
Persuasive Speech On School Uniforms

Satisfactory Essays

Imagine being a single parent with a job that pays just enough to get food on the table. You do not have the luxury of buying nice clothes for your child or even for yourself; you send your child to public school in their “new” outfit, but some days, they have to wear the same outfit twice a week because that is all they have. The other kids at school start to notice and begin bullying your child, a parents worst nightmare. Now imagine the public school you send your child to require school uniforms. Your first thought is the price, but the school offers support or discounted items for needy children. No more worrying about finding clothes that fit and spending money on outfits. Now there is one less reason for someone to bully your child. Public schools would benefit in many ways if there was a dress code enforced. Although kids may argue that school uniforms take away the one way they can express themselves, school uniforms would increase self-esteem while adding focus, reduce issues in school, and eliminate shopping problems. A lot of kids compare themselves to the people around them because of what they wear and have, because of that, they have self-esteem issues. At Stephen Decatur Middle School, the students are required to wear school uniforms. This is what their Principal, Rudolph Saunders, thinks about it: Principal Rudolph Saunders’ instincts tell him that the students behave better when they’re dressed alike, that they fight less and focus on their schoolwork more. Plus, the uniform puts all the students on a more equal social footing, regardless of whether they come from comfortable middle-class households or one of the group foster-care homes that lie in Decatur’s attendance zone (Viadero 1).
Different types of clothes can determine a certain social status and tear some kids down while bringing some up. School should focus strictly on education and learning. What outfit he or she wears would be one less distraction. The school-improvement resource leader at Decatur agrees with this by saying, “...children at this age are so impressed with dress that, if we can eliminate that little aspect of their daily lives and get their minds focused on academics, that’s half the battle” (Viadero 5). The

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