
Petri Plate Discussion

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To obtain some organisms, I took four samples from four different environments and put them on a petri plate. The petri plate was then put in the incubator at 37°C for forty eight hours (Lammert, 2007). Out of four, samples A and D grew nothing and sample B had some growth but not much. As a result I had to choose two unknown organism, that were possibly different, from the third quadrant. This quadrant, which I refer to as sample C, was taken using a wet swab on the border of my right shoe. From a spot where the white border had an orange tint. In that quadrant, specimen Ca. came from a lone circular spot near the rim whereas specimen Cb. came from a fibrous colony near the tip of the quadrant. To gather more information on the two specimens, I incubated each specimen in a petri plate for forty eight hours at 37°C. After, I isolated each specimen using a streak plate and incubated them for twenty four hours at 37°C (Lammert, 2007). Using the petri plate, I determine that the specimen Ca. has an elevation, which I considered in between raised and convex. I also notice that the specimen Ca. has a smooth texture but does have small crack-like patterns in it. After incubating the 27°C and 37°C temperature plate, I observed that specimen Ca. has a lobate margin. From the petri plate for specimen Cb, I determined that the …show more content…

From this test, I found that both of my organisms Ca. and Cb. cannot grow at 5°C or 60°C. From the temperature plates I also inferred that both organism can grow at 27°C and 37°C. Although for specimen Cb. I have determine that its optimum growth temperature is around 37°C. As for specimen Ca. it must have an optimum growth temperature ranging between 27°C and 37°C but closer to 37°C. I have determined this range due to observing possible spores while looking at a gram stain

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