To obtain some organisms, I took four samples from four different environments and put them on a petri plate. The petri plate was then put in the incubator at 37°C for forty eight hours (Lammert, 2007). Out of four, samples A and D grew nothing and sample B had some growth but not much. As a result I had to choose two unknown organism, that were possibly different, from the third quadrant. This quadrant, which I refer to as sample C, was taken using a wet swab on the border of my right shoe. From a spot where the white border had an orange tint. In that quadrant, specimen Ca. came from a lone circular spot near the rim whereas specimen Cb. came from a fibrous colony near the tip of the quadrant. To gather more information on the two specimens, I incubated each specimen in a petri plate for forty eight hours at 37°C. After, I isolated each specimen using a streak plate and incubated them for twenty four hours at 37°C (Lammert, 2007). Using the petri plate, I determine that the specimen Ca. has an elevation, which I considered in between raised and convex. I also notice that the specimen Ca. has a smooth texture but does have small crack-like patterns in it. After incubating the 27°C and 37°C temperature plate, I observed that specimen Ca. has a lobate margin. From the petri plate for specimen Cb, I determined that the …show more content…
From this test, I found that both of my organisms Ca. and Cb. cannot grow at 5°C or 60°C. From the temperature plates I also inferred that both organism can grow at 27°C and 37°C. Although for specimen Cb. I have determine that its optimum growth temperature is around 37°C. As for specimen Ca. it must have an optimum growth temperature ranging between 27°C and 37°C but closer to 37°C. I have determined this range due to observing possible spores while looking at a gram stain
For the temperature treatment, it was decisive in that the A. franciscana showed a steady increase in concentration from section 1 to 4. This expands on the hypothesis that suggests A. franciscana prefers an optimum temperature between 20-24 ̊ C because from the results of the experiment A. franciscana seemed to prefer even higher temperatures. Al Dhaheri and Drew (2003) state that A. franciscana stop reproducing at temperature above 30 ̊ C and compared to the experiments results. It can be concluded that A. franciscana prefer warmer temperatures, but reproduce at lower
There are many reasons for knowing the identity of microorganisms. The reasons range from knowing the causative agent of a disease in a patient, so as to know how it can be treated, to knowing the correct microorganism to be used for making certain foods or antibiotics. This study was done by applying all of the methods that have been learned so far in the microbiology laboratory class for the identification of unknown bacteria. The identification process can be completed with a series of deferential stains and biochemical tests. Creating a dichotomous key helps to limit the amount of biochemical tests done on an unknown organism and by observation
The next step of the project included preparing a Gram stain to discover the cell shape, arrangement, and if the bacteria is gram positive or
The goal of this paper is to demonstrate comprehension which will fully explain why the test were chosen and how they were performed and lastly to to identify the unknown species. Material and Methods: A broth tube labeled as number 24 containing two unknown bacteria was given out by the lab instructor. To begin the identification of the unknown bacteria a streak plate was performed on a Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) plate, using the quadrant method. The TSA streak plate was labeled at #24-1.
3. Microbiologists employee a number of approached to acquiring a pure culture from a from sample containing a number of different types of bacteria. Briefly describe three different procedures commonly used to secure pure cultures from a mixed culture. The use of simple labeled diagrams may be quite helpful.
this means that is the optimal temperature, but in bacterial occur in less time than in fungal
This process is done by using several techniques. In the microbiology lab students were given numbered specimens. The number for this report will be specimen number # 24. The Unknown specimen # 24 was to be identified.
There are many reasons for knowing the identity of microorganisms. The reasons range from knowing the causative agent of a disease in a patient, so as to know how it can be treated, to knowing the correct microorganism to be used for making certain foods or antibiotics. This study was done by applying all of the methods that I have been learned so far in the microbiology laboratory class for the identification of an unknown bacterium.
A wide variety of processes had been performed to determine what culture had been acquired in class. My group had acquired culture tube unknown #3. We first isolated the bacteria. In this step we took the broth of the unknown #3 and grew it on an agar plate. The first process that had been performed was discontinuous streaking, and continuous streaking to grow the culture for future use in the lab and to have extra to perform a whole variety of test to determine the unknown. The next experiment that had been performed
In class, we were given the task of identifying an unknown bacterium broth culture. After receiving number 69, I went through several tests to figure out what bacterium I received. First, I created a slide from my broth by putting a small amount of the unknown broth on to a clean slide and letting it dry for ten minutes. After this, I stained the slide by applying four reagents in order; crystal violet, grams iodine, decolorizer and safranin. From the stained slide, I discovered that this bacterium was gram-negative, which would determine the next couple of tests I would do to identify my unknown bacterium. I began by streaking for confluent growth from my broth culture onto a TSA plate. From the TSA plate, I aseptically transferred a loop
Day 5, Sample A had grown white specks around the bottom,but Sample B had not grown since Day 3. I had 5 days of data during my experiment. My data was trying to answer my question if the temperature affects the growth of organisms, and thru
The data can be seen in table 1, which represent morphology characteristics of the unknown. The structure of the cell wall of the unknown was determined by observing the Gram test. For this test Gram stain yielded pink coloration of bacteria, which states that the cell wall structure
Often scientists work with bacteria that do not come in a labeled test tube— for example, bacterial samples taken from infected human tissue or from the soil—and the scientist must then identify the unknown microorganism in order to understand what behavior to expect from the organism, for example, a certain type of infection or antibiotic resistance. However, because of the relatively few forms of bacteria compared to animals and because of the lack of bacterial fossil records due to their asexually reproductive nature, the taxonomy used to classify animals cannot be applied to bacteria (Brown 275). In order to classify unknown bacteria, a variety of physiological and metabolic tests are available to narrow a sample down from the fathomless number of possibilities into a more manageable range. Once these tests have been performed, the researcher can consult Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, a systematically arranged and continually updated collection of all known bacteria based on their structure, metabolism, and other attributes.
Although fungi are distributed worldwide, the distribution of a specific species is limited by temperature and moisture conditions of an area coupled with the available food supply. The best temperature for most fungi to thrive is from 68° to 86°F (20° to 30°C). Some types of fungi, however, do perfectly well at tem- peratures as high as 120°F (48°C), while a fairly large number of them do well at freezing temperatures, 32°F (0°C) or below.
Another purpose of this experiment is to stress the importance of knowing the identity of a microorganism. Knowing the species of microorganism present in a sample provides a