There are many philharmonic orchestras but today I will be talking about the most famous ones. Before I start I will tell you what it means. A philharmonic is a symphony orchestra or the group that supports it. A symphony is a large orchestra. An orchestra is a large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including strings, woodwinds, brass instruments, and percussion instruments. Philharmonic comes from Greek words meaning ‘love of harmony’.
The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 at the Berlin Philharmonie, gifted the audience with a masterful rendition of the movements within the symphony. The Symphony divides into three separate parts, in which the movements complement each other's characteristics. The symphony orchestra features a myriad of orchestral instruments featuring the Brass, Woodwinds, Strings, and Percussion families. Furthermore, the various movements throughout the performance utilize various musical concepts that bring the music to life. Albeit, the complexity of Mahler’s symphony, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra performed superbly throughout the performance.
Today I am here to present a pitch about the Eureka Stockade. With help from you financially, this documentary will be very successful and I feel that it is an important topic to cover as it was a significant stepping stone in Australians history.
Walt Disney once said, “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible,” and I guess he was right. Disney made films that made a wooden puppet into a real boy, a thief into a handsome, and a beast into a man. Disney created dreams for little kids of becoming royalty, but was that all they had in mind? Although Disney films may seem full of happy thoughts with true love’s kiss, but in reality they are just bibidi bodibi booed with a dash of pixie dust to hide the real truth behind the films.
Baby Blues, the most common and mildest form of mood disorder can last up to two weeks after having a baby without the mother needing treatment.
Purpose: After listening to my speech, the audience will be more educated on Texas’s roadside attractions, as well as relate to the sites I will discuss in my presentation.
I. (Gain attention and interest) Many of us have encountered 3D technology at one point in our lives such as the red and blue comics usually found at the back of magazines, or a have watched a 3D movie at IMAX. It is with no doubt that, we all find this technology to be a fascinating one.
Create a 5-6 minute presentation using PowerPoint visuals. Make sure your PowerPoint follows the guidelines discussed in class. The purpose of the presentation should be to inform the audience. Your presentation should reflect a topic, theme, or issue relevant to your major. For ideas of topics, you may consider looking at issues of Crains’ Chicago, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune,, The Huffington Post,, Slate, Wired, or industry-specific papers/journals in your area of study.
1. This informative speech on “The Cause of Homelessness “is very Inform able and worth listening to, because in today’s economy it could be you or me. Some seem to think homelessness is choice. I find this speech relevant to the world I live in today, due to the high unemployment rate, declining job market, and the economic hardships that families are enduring. This topic is not a broad one, but yet can be spoke of in depth due to the fact I see many homeless people but never thought it would be me until I seen a family friend who has lost everything, this is what made me more aware that it is not just a choice and any day it could be me. So when you see
some pay equity progress has been made primarily in developed countries in Canada and Europe,
I want to share with you about a process that can be helpful in determining a major. The process includes determining possible college majors of interest, collecting data
Laughter relates to positive thinking. The positive thinking helps us to improve our immune system and become healthier. It helps in removing the negative thoughts from our mind and not letting our immune system become worse further.
Transition signal: In conclusion, the next time you fill up your gas tank might not be cheaper, but at least you will know why you are paying more for gas.
As much as we love stepping out looking our absolute best, the process to get there sometimes makes us ask over and over again, is it worth it?
Transition to 1st main point: First let's talk about how music festivals began- leading up to and following Woodstock.
Draft speech of Mrs. D. Purandeswari, MoS-HRD (HE) as Chief Guest on the occasion of the Annual Day of the Rainbow Concept School, Mahaboobnagar, A.P on 9th February, 2007 at 5.30 p.m.