[She excitedly scurried into her Charms class, sitting down. Today, the class would be learning about words and the power they possess. "The earliest known alphabet was known as the Phoenician Alphabet, dating back to at least 1050 B.C." The professor spoke with a calm, cool tone. He began explaining how the alphabet is an important asset, because it has been around so long without any huge changes to it. The Phoenician alphabet can still be linked to the modern one we have today. Brooklyn began to listen even more intently when he spoke of the importance of incantations. Most of them trace back to Latin roots, she learned. And that an incantation requires precise pronunciation to be finished correctly.
Other then this, during Lesson Four, Brooklyn also learned two new charms. The Fire-Making and Locomotion Charm. The Fire-Making Charm is known as one of the oldest spells. The witch or wizard must recite the incantation of "Incendio" and move their wand in a quick up and down motion, as if it was a flame. The willpower for this particular spell varies depending on the distance from the object. Your ability to perform this spell grows with time. Now, for the Locomotion Charm. It ables the caster to move an object from one place to another. You must recite Locomotor while moving the wand in a full circle with an upward flick towards
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"This lesson will focus on - well - focus. Many charms we have learned so far, such as the Levitation Charm and the Locomotion Charm require focus to be on the object you're targeting." She begins writing notes whilst he explains focus is something you cannot avoid unlike an incantation or wand movement. The lesson drones on for a while until, "One of the most important things to know about focus is that you must have a relatively clear mind whilst performing your spell." She stored that in her mind for the
Philemon is a letter in genre, specifically an ancient letter. It is written to Philemon in Colossae, but also Apphia, Archippus and the house church of which Philemon was leader. As the host of a church and a slaveowner, it is safe to assume Philemon was comfortable economically and socially. Philemon is referred to as a beloved fellow worker who owes Paul his “own self,” which may imply that Paul converted Philemon. Paul writes to Philemon while a prisoner, though it is unknown where. If he was imprisoned at either Ephesus or Caesarea when Philemon was written, then it would be dated around 54-58 CE. If Paul is imprisoned at, which is unlikely given the great distance between Rome and Colossea, then the letter should be date to around
Imagine this: You’re sitting on your couch browsing the internet when you stumble across a website filled with Kappa history. Intrigued, you dive in. You are flipping through a General Convention scrapbook and exploring the history of (-- removed HTML --) . Then you see it: a picture of you during a philanthropy event. Those Kappa memories come rushing back. The nights spent with sisters working on the event, the laughter, the tears. Suddenly, you feel at home again.
The elven army marches to war. Their long spears and silver armor shine in the moonlight. Faces proud, stern, yet fair and tranquil show no sign of fear or embarrassment. They are ready to meet any eventuality, be it triumph or death, with honor and dignity. The swords are drawn, the bows are strung. The battle begins…
The history of the use of phonics dates back to the 1700’s. Backs then, children were taught to read through their memorization of the twenty-six-letter alphabet. Since many books hadn’t been written, their primary
In Mrs. Bestgen’s class, I helped a lot of kids. In doing so I found a few tricks that I learned most kids learn better from. Some kids really struggled with verbs, nouns, and adjectives. That’s understandable because learning those for the first time in a long time is hard. They took lots of notes over them and some kids didn’t take any notes. So I would go over to Mrs. Bestgen’s desk and get her notes down to try to help them understand it
Carthage- city in present day Tunisia, dominated the commerce of the western Mediterranean, there was a tradition/story that a member of the royal family of the Phoenician city-state of Tyre fled with her supporters to the western Mediterranean, where they cleverly won the land. A Phoenician colony, established around 814 B.C.E., controlled the middle portion of the Mediterranean, stretched between the original hilltop citadel and a double harbor, had a population of roughly 400,000, ethnically diverse, each year two “judges” were elected from upper class families to serve as heads of state, however the real power was in the senate where wealthy merchant families served for life, power rested on the navy, which was strong and effective, foreign policy reflected economic interests, few records of what was traded, there is evidence that trade was done with sub-Saharan Africa, did not directly rule a large amount of land, they ruled a core area and then indirectly ruled and allowed other communities to remain independent, but still looked to Carthage for military protection, heavy emphasis on trade, citizens were not required to serve in the army, when involved in conflicts with Rome or
All people have come across challenges, some challenges can be conquered and some of them cannot. My challenge was given to me when I was born and that challenge is a disability called muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases that cause continuous weakness of the muscles, so in other words I lose strength as time flies by. I started to notice weakness in my early childhood, when I was ten years old. An example of me noticing my disability starting to kick in was when I was running for physical education, and I felt like I was connected to a parachute. As the years went by things that took physical strength started to get harder. For example, running, walking, lifting objects, and getting up off of chairs. I was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy when I was about thirteen years old. This disability is a challenge for me because it gets in the way of me doing many things that other people with the strength can do.
Phoenicia is an underrated culture that achieved many accomplishments, yet many people today do not even know who they are which is a great shame. Even though the civilization is rarely spoken about or researched on a scale paralleled to major empires that were rapidly rising, it still was extremely successful and impacts lives today. The Phoenicians did everything from construct the basis for the alphabet to creating the eye popping purple that is used throughout the world today, they were experienced and well trained sailors of the sea, and most of all were dominant leaders of trade. Not only did a small ancient civilization set up along the coast of the Mediterranean reveal to the world things mankind was oblivious to but created many things that impact the world today. Phoenicia was a success because they made a landmark on many countries and even helped the growth of businesses of many empires in their trading; constructed the basis for the alphabet we use today and also traded prolific amounts of purple dye and many other goods that are now commonly used around the world. The changes of the religion that was constantly being decided upon in the empire pointed the mid-eastern countries into the direction of the religion they use today.
Have you ever wondered how the Phoenicians wrote down records? They created their own alphabet that’s how. The alphabet has 22 symbols that looked a bit like our current alphabet. This alphabet was a lot easier to learn than in cuneiform and other alphabets back then.
The Cuneiform script, an early form of language consisting of pictographic symbols, was first created by the Sumerians and later built on by other cultures. Written on wet clay tablets, Cuneiform symbols were drawn with a long reed crafted into a writing instrument, also known as a stylus. The stylus created wedge shapes, which is why the name cuneiform was assigned to it. Cuneiform translates to "wedge shaped". Some Languages included in the Cuneiform classification were Sumerian, Akkadian, Elamite, Hittite, Luwian, Hurrian, Hattic, and Urartian. Cuneiform was primarily used during the time period that lasted between the 30th century BC to 1st century AD.
The bible is one of the places where you can start with knowing Christ. The Septuagint is the other the Septuagint was used by many Jews in the day of Christ as the guide or bible. The order of the Septuagint is written in the same as the bible and not the Hebrew scrolls.
The civilization of the pharaohs went into eclipse more 2000 years ago when it conquered by Alexander the Great and came under the Hellenistic rule of the Ptolemy dynasty. The word Hieroglyph derives from the Greek for "sacred carving".
Is the development of the writing system the most important factor that led to the rise of a civilization? How does our ancestor learned to write when school is not even available? Understand that writing system that I am referring is not the average of using tools such as ink and paper, but more of creative tool that has developed over time. In this essay, I will cover seven points on the importantance of a writing system in the ancient civilization.
I have been absorbed in trying to complete my charms lessons and up to this point I think I have done quite well. I am rather proud in myself for keeping within the ‘O’ grade and I am trying my best to stay at such an elevated grade. My first charms journal that covered lesson 1, I am happy to say got 100% on the marking. On the second entry that coved lessons 2 and 3 I was a little frustrated in myself at first as I received a 0% on the marking. This was due to the fact that I did not put in enough information about the lesson and subjects covered within the lesson into the journal entry. As the journal is for extra credit, it did for a moment cross my mind to just leave it as 0% but this thought soon faded and I realized that my study in
Many scholars have yet to prove the origin of Greek alphabet. However, one fact is for certain: the origin of Greek alphabet does not mean the origin of the writing system to the Greek language. Not a completely new “invention,” the Greek alphabet is undoubtedly from a script that the Semitic peoples of Levantine coast used. Originally fashioned by ethnic Phoenician groups, the source alphabet is connected to the Ugaritic groups of writing systems that developed around the city of Ugarit (Powell 2009: 230). Nevertheless, the source alphabet and the Greek alphabet work differently as the Greek alphabet had specific signs for vowels that Phoenicians did not. Hence, regarding such differences and the adaptations of the original source