
Physical Activity And Nutrition Of People Who Were Previously Diagnosed With Prostate Or Breast Cancer

Decent Essays

Tatiana Lewis
April 20, 2017
Applied Nutrition
Article Critique

This purpose of this research is to improve understanding of physical activity and nutrition of people who were previously diagnosed with prostate or breast cancer. This study was created because “Many people who are diagnosed with either breast or prostate cancer are interested in optimizing their health via lifestyle behaviors.” (Steinnagel, Morris, Laasko) It is said that healthy diets and frequently exercising may reduce the risk of developing prostate or breast cancer. The authors stated, “There is a lack of definitive evidence regarding recommended diets for cancer survivors to optimize physical health and prevent recurrence and mortality, but there is a general …show more content…

In the present study, potential predictors of health behaviors from Commonsense Self-Regulating Model and Trastheoretical Model were tested for connections between nutrition and physical activity and behaviors after being diagnosed with breast cancer and prostate cancer. Hypothesis One, predicted that better guidelines for physical activity and nutrition would be associated with Commonsense Self-Regulation Model, this includes higher personal control, higher treatment control, and lower emotional representations. Hypothesis Two, predicted that more physical activity and better nutritional adherence would be associated with Transtheoretical Model. People who participated in this study, were previously diagnosed with breast or prostate cancer. They were either receiving treatment or just finished. This was because the research had to be measured within the last seven days via the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and this was in concordance with national dietary guidelines. After being approved by the university, the Human Research Ethics Committee of breast cancer and prostate cancer supported groups in South-East Queensland, Northern New South Wales, and Australia. The people were then contacted via email and phone to follow up on participation. Survivors could then either choose an in-person visit, surveys, online participation, or a combination of these methods.

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