
Physical Aspects Of Atrium

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Atrium was considered as a ‘sun room' back in the old times. These days sun rooms appears in many homes where people want to soak up sun rays in the middle of winter or maybe grow plants year round. An atrium is an open-roofed part of a building, though now it more commonly has a glass roof. Although the atrium has evolved throughout the centuries, the basic design has remained the same. The word atrium comes from the Latin and refers to an open central court. An atrium in architecture is a central part of buildings.
In community spaces, the special is the environmental behavior, in which the study focuses on the atmospheric effect of public spaces or on their interior elements, such as lighting, music, and scent. To identify the relationship between the public environment and the sense of place, this study aims to determine the atrium patterns setting factors that provide a sense of place to the community. The important physical aspects of atrium pattern design include architectural and functional esthetics. Architectural aesthetics include many types of architectural elements like shapes, colors, scale, materials, textures, and other accessories used to define or decorate the space. Layout, signage, and comfort level are functional aspects that should also be considered.
Atrium introduce w much bigger space than any …show more content…

The main function of this element was used to allow natural light and ensure ventilation to the internal spaces and connect the indoor to the outdoor adding to that the natural beauty of the space. In the Roman eras the main reception room was the function of the atrium and the central space for the family gathering. During the Roman Empire the atrium was constructed with or without columns, generally has a marble basin known as the impluvium, which was situated in the center of the space under the roof opening called

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