
Physical Fitness Has A Great Impact On A Person 's Body

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Physical fitness has a great impact on a person 's body. Exercise provides health benefits, increases strength and energy, enhances a person 's appearance, which helps with self-esteem and also relieves stress. Being a fitness freak I’ve decided to set a foundation of a gym. My gym will be called "Train Yourself". A name which can give enough willpower to everyone who becomes a part of it. I 'll have to start from scratch. Obviously I’ve never done this before but always wished for. I am investing a healthy figure of $50,000. Good money requires good planning. First of all I would need a perfect location, a location which is easily accessible by the people and is fairly large. A friend of mine is a real estate agent, he had promised me to help. A business need planning, I have no business background but my brother-in-law has a good experience in this field. I would really appreciate his help. My gym would definitely need publicity. I 've already contacted few ad companies and flyers will be distributed around the city in the following month. To make it even more popular I’m planning to invite Mr. Dwayne Johnson, a popular celebrity on the inauguration day which is yet to be decided. Then comes the equipment’s. I 'll equip my gym with the best quality machines. Hammer strength and Sole fitness are my priority for now. My meeting with these company dealers is scheduled for the next week. My order is of 800 machines. Other than this padded floor mats, weights, stationary

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