Video Analysis Report – Week 6 | BUSN460: Senior Project | |
After reviewing weeks 5 and 6 video episodes, we the business consultants have found that CanGo still has some issues that must be corrected in order to operate and function effectively. We have carefully evaluated CanGo’s issues and will be introducing them as well as providing recommendations to make corrections to help improve the company’s problem areas. The first issue was the employee evaluations; very vague. Another that we have noticed is that CanGo is expanding too quickly, another issue that follows CanGo expanding too quickly is that they lack the financial capital to grow so quick. Since they are growing, they are relocating their staff into different positions
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That is what is important, planning ahead and looking at the pros and cons is an effective part of running a business. An employer should have a plan to relocate employees, they should consider the skill level of the employee, along with the skills required to do the job, and also consider whether they have the capital that is necessary to make the move and cover their current position. 4. CanGo is leaving projects half ways. They spent enough money kicking off a project and working on it, and they are cancelling them because they see more opportunities. It is better when a company completes one project to go on to the next. If they cancel a project half ways it is throwing away money and time. They spent so much money and time working on it, so they should complete the project and earn the money on it, maybe even make extra revenue that they can utilize to start a new one. It is always beneficial to complete what you have spent so much on. 5. CanGo managers are trying to add a heavier workload to the employees. This will only decrease production because it will cause employees to be so stressed with so much work. It will start causing relationship breakdown- employees will be stressed and eventually taking it out on each other; health problems- high blood
The Grad Consultants have spent the last two weeks observing CanGo and their business practices to help them determine the weaknesses within their organization. We will use our knowledge and experience to provide suggestions for improvement that will have a positive impact not only on CanGo’s bottom line but also on the morale of all those who are employed by the organizations. Elizabeth (Liz), who is the owner of CanGo, first conceived the idea of the company in 2006. Since then, the company has grown exponentially. According to the company’s intranet “Liz’s experience and
Let me say first thank you for giving us the opportunity to evaluate your company’s operational process. It has been a tremendous experience to be in a company that started out small and grew to one of the leading businesses in the industry. CanGo does have a promising future ahead. During our evaluation over the past two weeks, we have noticed a few things that will be a problem in the future if not resolved. It seems that the company has been profitable by chance not because of planning. At this point we feel the need to work on the planning aspect and all that it entails. There are six key issues and recommendations that we have made that we know
CanGo is considering making investments in the technology in order to improve process flow. In order to better understand the investments they are considering, it is important to fully understand the process choices and the differences between them. The process choices can be viewed on a spectrum with one end being intermittent processes and continuous processes are at the other end. Intermittent processes, or job shops, are generalized and flexible. The workers are skilled and they are able to make a wide range
CanGo is a successful company that wants to expand and ensure its continued success. In order to accomplish this task, Liz the CEO has hired Forward Progress to examine current management practices at CanGo and provide a report outlining deficiencies and resolutions. Forward
1. CanGo has too many activities without having specific goals or setting priorities. As they find something that needs to be accomplished, it is always as soon as possible without setting definite time deadlines. Setting priorities is one way to insure that the tasks which need immediate attention are worked on first, while other task can be delayed because they are not as important. Being able to schedule people to complete specific task requires careful planning while know what resources are available. According to the Business Dictionary, a resource is “an economic or productive factor required to accomplish an activity” (Resource, 2013). CanGo
For video 1, I was not very comfortable. It was hard for me to imagine that my classmate is a real client. I felt better, after a while. When I watched myself on video, It was like, I wish I looked more in the client’s eyes and I regret that I looked at my paper more than him. Also, I looked at the video and I felt it is not really me. I thought that, I could do better than this.
After watching the video Precious Knowledge, the first example of ethnic studies being threatened/ facing elimination is that senate is passing bills like 2881 that act against diversity and programs that support and culture beyond what is sought to be “fit” in the American educational system. Programs that promote ethnic studies gives students the pride and knowledge of where they have come from and therefore they feel more engaged in the classroom. Leaders like Tom Horne have the right to their own opinion but are being oppressive by not embracing the culture of different ethnic groups. By not attending these classes and trying to relate to these diverse communities; he is creating a dystopia to the American youth. Political leaders should
CanGo Inc exhibits a poor company culture that is disorganized, very casual and to an extent unethical. CanGo employees have adopted a casual approach when addressing matters that are integral to the success of the company. Warren as the leader of the organization has condoned and facilitated the prevalence of this poor company culture. He makes a joke on how to approach Liz with modifying the process layout and his team (Debbie and Jack) laugh and brush of the process layout as an easy task. The overly casual and careless approach is also displayed at CanGo as Maria casually interrupts Warren during a team briefing to carelessly finish his sentence for him that the volunteer in their warehouse was wearing a tattered Burberry. The culture at CanGo also encourages unethical conversations as Whitney “jokes” about the skirt on Gail’s hips, which Gail finds offensive. The lack of a solid leadership has developed a neglectful attitude at CanGo Inc where employees are either passing off duties to one another and or show no interest in the company’s progress. The lack of interest is displayed as Andrew is oblivious to the fact of increased shipping to Japan when asked by Andrew if he has noticed the changes. The planning process at CanGo is adversely affected by the poor company culture.
You and your team have been hired by CanGo as consultants to help them improve their fast-growing business. The management team at CanGo is busy, not entirely organized and somewhat overwhelmed by their success. They are looking to you as an objective,
Despite the fact that animal crush videos are illegal, Stevens still participated in the unlawful selling of these videos which depicted animal abuse via the form of dogfighting.
• Overworking of the engineers and staff may lead to inferior product quality, low staff morale due to lost vacation days and possible dissension within the staff.
Our strengths are impressive. Our weaknesses are identified and potential solutions. Cospros a "speculative" the situation can be described as. We have been presented with many opportunities and a level of risk that are present hazards. However, we continue to capture the largest market share and are not negatively affected, then our efforts have a chance to experience the great benefits
1.) What is one definition of culture from the sheet "What is Culture?" and what was an illustration/example of this definition that you found in the video?
Yes. If it is a requirement for the job to relocate I will be much willing to relocate. I know myself that I can easily adapt different kinds of working environment. Actually, I am also planning to work abroad and that requires relocation.
Now they require more trained and knowledgeable operator to ensure the smooth working and to make sure about the profitability. If there is more staff or turnover then also it’s a loss for the organization. They have to provide the services to present customers and make sure that these clients cannot have negative impact from this contract. For keeping a track of this we have to make sure the impact of effective planning to happen, we have to use certain techniques of forecasting. The Scanim’s situation is totally affected