According to Mason, (2016), political analysis is the process of examining an issue and understanding the key factors and people that might potentially influence a policy goal.(Mason, et al., 2016). It involves the analysis of government and organizations, both public and private, people and their behavior, and the social, political, historical and economic factors surrounding the policy (p. 80). It also includes the identification and development of strategies to attain or defeat a policy goal (Mason, et al., 2016). In the context of health policy reform, political analysis is important because it can aid in understanding of past health reforms and assist in predicting the outcomes of ongoing or future initiatives (Blanchet, et al., 2013).
The face of healthcare has been changing over the last decade. The role of nurse practitioners has become ever more important. This paper conducts a policy analysis as a systematic investigation of alternative policy options, for the emerging nationalized healthcare plan and the increased use of nurse practitioners. It looks at the goals of nationalized healthcare 's use of nurse practitioners and discusses to what extent this policy meets these goals. This paper begins with a detailing of the problem addressed by the policy and the goals and objectives of nationalized healthcare 's increased use of nurse practitioners. Next, alternatives to meeting the increased needs of the health industry,
Patient access to affordable health care is an ongoing issue in the United States. The first portion of the policy process involves three different stages, the formulation stage, legislative stage, and the implementation stage. Three main stages exist in the process to transform a topic into a policy (Morone, J. A., Litman, T. J., & Robins, L.S., 2008). Coupled with the implementation stage is an evaluation of all the stages to determine effectiveness and gather information for use in future public health care policy making. In the formulation stage, the ideas, concepts, and information steam from this process of policy making. The
When it comes to the issue of healthcare, a lot of specific forces come into play. In order to understand and keep track of political situations like those dealing with healthcare one must use the analytical framework. A current political issue relating to healthcare is the Medi-Cal program in California and its controversial system of recovering medical costs from the deceased. Governmental, political and structural policies and politics each have their own roles to play on this specific issue.
Grogan, C. M. (2012). The Murky Relationship between Ideology and the Role of Government in Health Policy. Journal Of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 37(3), 361-364 4p. doi:10.1215/03616878-1573058
The purpose of this paper is to understand the influence a political party may have on regulating healthcare. Furthermore, it proves the responsibility of the occupational therapists to investigate and advocate in politics regarding health care that may affect future clients and/or quality of care. The occupational therapy student (OTS) will present research on the libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, and his views on healthcare and occupational therapy.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) “health care fraud costs the country an estimated $80 billion dollars a year” ("Health Care Fraud," n.d., p. 1). Because health care costs continue to rise more rapidly than the rate of inflation the threat of health care fraud continues to rise. The Affordable Health Care Act has put new policies in place to identify and stop health care fraud. The FBI along with other government, insurance, and public agencies have joined together to combat fraud at every level. New rules in identifying, investigating, and prosecuting fraud before payments are made to medical providers could save billions of
In pursuit of social and economic justice in modern, capitalist societies, it is evident that ideology has played an important role. Yet, if we are determined to make any progress in this incredibly important effort, we have to try to transcend limitations imposed by ideology and political demagogy, and establish grounds from which to carry out a rational debate on some of the most important issues in our societies. One of the crucial issues of today, as seen by Jimenez (2010) is the issue of health insurance and availability of quality health services to all the members of the society. In this area, the phenomenon of Obama Care has been one of the best examples of how ideology and politics can cause
Healthcare’s political factors are at an all-time high. The Affordable Care Act, or more commonly referred to as Obamacare, has moved the health coverage needle. More Americans, than ever before, now have the ability to attain and keep healthcare at lower cost. Millions of additional individuals are now included in the medical network. With the possibility of Immigration Reform, President Obama could potentially add millions of new citizens into the healthcare mix, thus expanding the healthcare scope.
Every election season, there are many views on politics, healthcare, social security and issues, the economy, immigration and borders, and foreign policy. Republicans and Democrats seeking the Presidency try to convince voters to elect them so that their views can help America grow and become more prosperous than the efforts of the previous administration. In this discussion, I will focus on healthcare and the economy.
Quality healthcare in the more rural areas of the United States is not only getting more difficult to obtain, but difficult to afford. American citizens living in rural areas have the highest rates of chronic disease, higher poverty populations, less health insurance, and there is less access to primary care physicians. When the economy is at its lowest point it causes an increase in a number of access and health issues that have already had prior problems in communities and in rural areas, therefore the main goal of the national health care tax of 2010 was to allow coverage to all residents of the United States, and also by transferring necessary health care to places that were farther away, such as the
(2001). The Formulation of Health Policy by the Three Branches of Government. Social Policy and Policymaking by the Branches of Government and the Public-at-Large. doi:10.7312/stei11682-014
In chapter three of the Estes Healthcare policy, she explores the healthcare reforms now and in the future. Her analysis borrows from other studies that had been done to explore the implications of the healthcare reforms to all the stakeholders. The article explores the implications of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Medicaid and Children`s Health Insurance Program Provisions, and Community Living Assistance, Services and Support Act. The changes would have significant changes in the healthcare delivery systems. One of the implications of the changes would be decreased quality of healthcare.
Health care reforms is one of the biggest issue for voters. With our aging population, complexity of illness and growing cost of health care, the government need a new approach to delivery of health care system. There is still a large population that are uninsured. There is mounting recognition that our country’s health system is greatly influenced by social determinants, socio-economic status, and environmental
Simultaneously, health and healthcare policy plays a tremendous role in the quality of life of every American. Likewise, by the government constantly interceding, health and healthcare is significantly influenced by the political climate and undertakings of administration; therefore creating a conflictual split between republicans and democrats. Health care is regarded as a product rather than a human right shaped by policymaking. Policies establish healthcare service stipulations, which are rooted in local, state, and federal statutes combined with landmark court decisions. Not only does policy focus on healthcare services; but, it also places a substantial emphasis on cost-efficiency and equality.
Health policies are shaped through the compound inter-relationship of context, content and process. The health care system is an abstract notion defined for the purpose of thinking about health care and analyzing policies and relations. Walt and Gibson (1994 in Buse et al, 2005) both projected the triangle of health policy in a illustrative representation way of thinking about all the policy that gets affected by different factors.