
Political Change In Texas

Decent Essays

Texas has been a predominantly republican state since the late 1900s. In this past presidential election there was a time when the polls foreshadowed that Texas would go democratic. Many people in Texas have been initiating a Turn Texas Blue movement for this election. This means that the people of Texas want Texas to vote democratic. This was passed around all over social media such as twitter and Facebook. The last time a democratic presidential candidate was voted in by Texas was in 1976, and 20 years have passed since Texans voted in a democrat to a major state office. Very close to election day however, Hilary Clinton was ahead in the polls. I heard several people actually worried that Texas would turn blue. Donald Trump, the republican candidate, did pull out the win in Texas in the end though. I most definitely believe that Texas is on the verge of turning blue in the near future. Donald Trump is registered as a republican, but some of his values and plans seem a bit democratic, or even liberal. This will not go over very well with some of the more republican and conservative people of Texas. Texas is a state of tradition and very much of the make-up of Texas currently is conservative. …show more content…

I think that now that marriage equality is passed and happening that more people will come out with their opinions and beliefs instead of hiding and that will shift the political morals as well. A majority of the young adult population and younger are seeing more and more things in the media that incorporate the LGBTQ community and portray that it is okay to be different. Someone once told me that they hated that they couldn’t turn the television of for their children without seeing some kind of LGBTQ relationship on it. I believe that now kids do not have to live in fear in Texas due to this change and they eventually be open minded about some things that previous generations were so closeminded

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