
Porter's Five Forces Model Of Hyper-Competition

Satisfactory Essays

“In this era of hyper-competition, globalization, and technological revolution, the importance of speed in the marketplace is increasing”, Matherne, B. P. (2004). This new era is characterized by the evolution of the environment where the companies operate; from the slow-moving oligopolies to the saturated markets where companies need a quick strategic advantage to have the consumers’ preference. Before, it was easy for the companies within an industry to set entry barriers for the competitors, today it is impossible. Now the companies shifted from Mr D’Aveni remarks that it is still possible to take advantage from the competitors if the company reposition themselves in some of the following aspects: price VS quality, …show more content…

Now we are on the third era of globalization, where the products not only travel around the world to reach the consumers, but they do it in a quicker way thanks to transnational supply chains. Both, globalization and hyper-competition wouldn’t had reach their actual level without Internet, and which affected Porter’s Five Forces Model in the following way: it lowered the entry barrier (new competitors can enter the online retail market without the same amount of initial investment as before); lowered the life cycle of a product (now the difference is in the customer service); power of customers (now they can research which is a better product in terms of quality, price, raw materials, and they can choose which one fits them better); power of suppliers (they can know the prices at which their competitors sells/buys and offer something better); treat of competition (competitors can know about each other, it diminished the required effort to make a proper research of raw materials/providers/points of sale and costs). The combination of all these factors leads to the reality: the speed-to-market could be an indicator for the NPS (New Product Success); but does the speed to answer to the consumers’ needs always assure the NPS and respond proactively to all the factors that cause …show more content…

By reducing the planning or they don’t even plan at all because they don’t have the time to do it. They prefer to react to the needs rather than plan how they should act proactively; which not all the time is useful for them, even though they have a quick answer for their market. Like Matherne said, planning takes time away from making the firm a “reality”, and they should better spend this time exploiting the identified business opportunity. The markets’ need for a speed action is not the only reason for firms to avoid planning; some owners think that they already have the enough experience in order to make an enterprise to work without the need to plan in a formal way. They believe they have the intuition to make their ideas work and they avoid evaluating the projects carefully before making them to happen. How could an enterprise and its owners be convinced to plan before react to market

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