
Portrayal of Women in the Media Essay

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Portrayal of Women in the Media Gender is the psychological characteristics and social categories that are created by human culture. Doing gender is the concept that humans express their gender when they interact with one another. Messages about how a male or female is supposed to act come from many different places. Schools, parents, and friends can influence a person. Another major factor that influences millions of impressionable females and males is television. Not only does the television teach each sex how to act, it also shows how one sex should expect the other sex to act. In the current television broadcasting, stereotypical behavior goes from programming for the very small to adult audiences. In this broadcasting range, …show more content…

The male narrator explains different actions, "thus being more active, direct voice than that of a female." In this show as well, the male is in charge of the activity. These two shows are only a small insight into how the rest of the programming world shows girls being virtuous and motherly. In commercials, girls are seen playing games like ‘Pretty, Pretty, Princess' and ‘Barbie'. Viewers rarely see girls in the sandbox digging holes with construction toys such as dump trucks and packos. Also, women are more likely to be in some sort of serious romantic relationship or married. On the other hand the romantic status of most male characters is not known. These virtuous images not only give little girls the wrong ideas, but little boys as well. This can lead the males to think they can't enjoy dressing up and playing pretend. Or that if a girl is roughhousing with the boys or digging in the dirt, she is somehow not a real girl. This can cause boys to harass a so-called ‘tom boy' or bully other boys who are ‘sissies'. Female psyche is also damaged because little girls may think there is something wrong with them if they want to do ‘boy' things. One study found that "viewing sex-stereotyped commercials caused college women to emphasize homemaking in descriptions of their long-term aspirations, whereas women who saw reversed-sex role commercials were more likely to emphasize independence and career-related

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