Serving AmeriCorps will allow me to pass the torch of knowledge to empower all that I encounter. My passion is to inspire others to improve their quality of life through higher learning. Specifically, my target audience is low-socioeconomic class citizens within the community. Education has empowered myself and daughters out of unfavorable circumstances. Therefore, I believe all change first begins with the gift of knowledge. Ultimately, I aspire to help others find their way to self-actualization. I hope to encourage others to reach their life goals and dreams. So, I believe AmeriCorps will be an excellent opportunity to use my skills to change lives. Post AmeriCorps I plan to continue to help within the community and abroad to teach others
Through experiencing social injustices, and making myself more culturally aware of inequality amongst social classes, I believe I have cultivated the leadership skills necessary for success. My willingness to reach out to the environment beyond me has exposed me to a career path that excites me and is my true passion. I plan to take action to improve the lives of the defenseless and those who are politically and socially disadvantaged. Through utilizing what I have learned by dedicating my time to service I know that I will truly make an impact on the lives of the helpless. During my years attending university I plan to continue a rigorous course load focused on a career path that truly intrigues me. I also plan on continuing to dedicate my free time to service and philanthropy. Overall, I have dedicated my high school career to becoming a leader in and out of the classroom. I hope that by attending University of Texas-Austin I will be able to utilize the resources provided to become a leader prepared to make worldwide change, continue on a path of academic achievement, and create a successful future not only for myself, but for those in generations to come as
I have spent the greater part of my life dedicated to service. Therefore, upon leaving college I decided to do an AmeriCorps year of service and then decided to pursue my MSW at BU. However, with my MSW came financial burdens that I could not take on with my meager saving from my year of service, much which was used to relocate to the Boston area, and my Segal Award, which was not matched by the school. I have no outside financial resources an am support myself through working part-time. I will be unable to work as much due to the demands of advance year placement.
I am drawn to AmeriCorps because of its commitment to service and matching members to non-profit organizations. I am truly interested in AmeriCorps' service missions including poverty reduction, literacy and youth development, and mentoring. I served as a volunteer helping organize activities for neglected and abused children at the Children’s Advocacy Center, served on a committee for children’s literacy with Better World Books Drive, and volunteered for Big Brothers Big Sisters and American Red Cross. I am comfortable interacting with youth and children. I have always envisioned myself as a leader involved in improving the health of populations and serving my community and I aim to continue the work of improving the missions of anti-poverty
The simple reason for why I would like to serve with Americorp is because I like helping people. The more complicated reason is that I want to do something meaningful with my gap year. I could easily find a job and work for a year or intern at a company but Americorp offers me the opportunity to do something different. Americorps allows me to work with programs that have wide spread impacts and do a great deal of good. With Americorp I can do service above and beyond anything I have done so far. I have of course, been afforded many opportunities to serve in my community and interact with many individuals from diverse backgrounds over the course of my academic and professional career. Recently, I was able to spend three months interning at
Service brings me great joy, and I continually seek ways that I can help those around me. The day after school gets out, my youth group and I are leaving for Mexico City to serve with an organization, Niños de Mexico, that provides a safe house for orphans and children from broken homes. I also recently committed to volunteering my time each Sunday with the kids at my church. My efforts to serve extend through my daily life as well, for example, when sister has had a rough day, I make her tea or brownies. I take care of my neighbor’s kids for free when they’re having a busy week. None of these tasks feel like work to me, I love to help people as much as possible. I look forward to the new service opportunities National Honor Society will provide.
The best role models are those who have been where you are and have made it through what you are going through. Americorps takes young people who are 18-24 years of age and gives them a chance to share their experiences surviving school and their challenges navigating college with students in inner-city communities.
While I wish I was strong enough, honorable enough, and brave enough to serve the United States, I know that I will find a way to contribute to the success of those who do.
Emigrated from the Philippines, the moment I step into the American soil, I knew that I was given an opportunity to serve and contribute my unique view of the world. Aside from having a degree in Accounting, my Public Affair major with Public Management specialty, will allow me to
In early July, 2014 I had just graduated high school. I decided I wanted to do something spontaneous and to help people. That late may I had gone to a career fair where I obtained an informational packet for AmeriCorps. I didn’t give the packet much thought other than a passing interest. When I graduated I remembered the packet and decided why not. The most important day of my life was the day I officially joined AmeriCorps.
As a Jackson Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corp Cadet and Police Explorer, upon acceptance of this scholarship I will be able to contribute to society. How might you ask? Throughout my high school career I was taught the value of serving and protecting the community. “Integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do” was the motto taught to me by the AF Jr. ROTC program . “Class two line of blue law enforcement through and through” was the motto taught to be by the Youth police academy. These motto’s reflect everything that I stand for, everything that I believe in. That if I was ever to gained the privilege of
After graduating for college, I plan to apply to help serve in the peace corps. I once read in my french class how it one of the United State Ambassadors got to where he was and it talked about how he helped serve in the Peace Corps and how that opened many doors to him because he was not only able to put the degree in college to good use but how he was also able to work with foreign countries helping show that he had the skills and abilities required to work as an ambassador. This is not the only reason that I would like to help with the Peace Corps however, I just want to help people. In the end that is my overall goal and working with the Peace Corps would give me the opportunity to help. To see what people experience on a day to day living
First off I just wanted to say thank you for your service because if it was not for you we would not be writing essays right now. I just have to say, I like the words of Abraham Lincoln’s quote who said, “My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope on earth.” I love the word “Dream” and the part of the quote about the “America’s best and last hope on the earth.” The best last hope on earth makes me happy to read because I believe it is true. America’s gift to my generation is hope.
My goal in life is to serve and provide help and assistance to those in need. I want to make a difference. I am finishing school in May 2017, and I Believe this is the right path for me.I believe the AmeriCorps program would help broaden my perspective. I want to gain new experience and meet new people with different background. I adapt to the new environment quickly, and I believe this would enhance my abilities. I did not know what I particularly want to do after finishing school, but I believe this is the right path for me to take. I know every leader starts from somewhere, AmeriCorps can help me be a more efficient leader. I want to lead people, and all great leaders are servers.
Mostly I did Americorps because I wanted to be apart of something bigger and be apart of the Community and not knowing where to start, I had a friend who did Americorps and I wanted to work here and they were hiring for an Americorps position so I applied and took one. I am signing up to do another year here at the Regional Food Bank. You get a lot of experience, a lot of meeting new people and making connections and its really worth while to me. If your in it for their pay you’re in if for the wrong reason you have to be in it do something bigger than yourself and be apart of something bigger and to have positive change in the community. I love being here, I don’t want to leave. Carla asked me in one of my interviews why did I like being here and I was like it just feeds my soul to be here. I feel better as a person, emotionaly, spiritually any other way you can think of I feel better being here. I know I am making a difference even if I don’t see the direct change, I know I am helping out and making a difference. I need that for my own personal self. The environement here is fantastic. When I tell people what I do I always get a positive reacation. Everyone is always like that is so sweet and good that you are doing that, I’m like its good for me. It’s good for people in the community yes, but it is good for me too. When I started CSFP had been moved around from like five different people. No one here wanted to mess with it really, the pantries and community partners were
Working with nonprofit agencies and AmeriCorp V.I.S.T.A. (Volunteer in Service to America), I had the opportunity to learn firsthand at the efforts given within agencies to service the environment and the public by making changes, and implementing reforms on different issues. I found I have a passion for people, legal policies, compliances, and I am very good as a spokes person, or advocate speaking on change. During the time when I was facilitating as a General Education Development instructor for