As a post-graduate student, I believe we lose a lot of potential opportunities by simply not knowing about them. Some of the current workshops and programs/part-time jobs at campus need to be advertised constantly to the RMIT post-graduate students’ emails. I would do my best to find these and other hidden opportunities that the students are unaware of and email them to you.
Additionally, I would coordinate with the Executive Committee in an effort to increase the training opportunities available to students and make the opportunities that currently exist more widely known, as well as increasing student awareness of ways to translate current interests and passions into careers would be a priority for me.
Finally, I hope to become involved
I plan to work closely with Jill Patterson and the Title IX commission to support and advance sexual assault awareness. One initiative that I plan on doing is working closer with MSU Residence Life. Working as an RA for the 2015, I was trained heavily on Title IX issues and sexual assault prevention. As MSU requires all freshmen to live on campus their first year, Residence Life is an integral part of educating new students. To do this, I would work closely with Alisa Garbisch who works with the LLC halls and be a part of the Bears for a Just Community LLC. The LLC currently focuses on human rights and advocates to make a difference. This could be beneficial to not only the LLC but to the Title IX commission as it may bring in interested students to SGA and the commission. I would also focus on the general residence hall population by working with the
I think I can bring awareness and personal experience to the children and youth role. I believe I would be able to promote awareness for
“Who Gets to Graduate’ by Paul Tough, publish May, 2015 in the New York Times discusses. The story of a young girl’s mindset on college. It begins with her starting in college and first failure on a test. It highlighted the doubts she had in her abilities. This opening introduces the article’s man discussion, which involves low income students who want to earn a four year degree but experience “troubles” along the way. It then discusses statistics that show dropout rates are highest with low-income students. The author included ability versus economics status.
In this section, describe the vision you have for your career. Indicate the broad interests or goals that guide your anticipated activities and bind your work into a coherent whole. Provide a context for the anticipate activities listed below so that the way in which each activity supports the common thread is apparent.
In the textbook “Becoming a master student”. I chose 5 articles to read, and I learn a lot of strategies and skills to improve my academic. The eight articles that I have read are: Chapter Seven, Becoming a Critical Thinker, page 229. Chapter Eight, Academic integrity: Avoiding plagiarism, page 287. Chapter Nine, Dealing with sexism and sexual harasment, page 315. Chapter Ten, Spend less money, page 337. Chapter Eleven, Ways to change a habit, page 363. Chapter Eleven, Suicide is no sulution, page 380. Chapter Twelve, Create your career now, page 402. Chapter Twelve, Surviving your first day on a new job, page 421.
My passion for service and leadership has grown through my involvement in FCCLA, Honor Society, and Spirit Club. I would love to expand my leadership skills by working with my fellow peers as a student body officer and grow my love for community service as the service representative.
My role in contributing to an outstanding educational program would be one of support. As the principal I would be supportive of teachers by encouraging innovation and planing activities that would enhance learning that extends beyond the classroom. As principal, I would also foster leadership and collaboration among staff. I would be supportive of students and families. It is important for families to know that school staff is there for their children and have their best interests at heart. I would be supportive of our PTSO and work to further develop community support and involvement. Furthermore, as principal I would support the development of the whole child. From academics to social/emotional development from athletics to the arts, middle
In the story “Adventures Of The German Student” by Washington Irving a young German student named Gottfried Wolfgang often had evil over him . He goes to Paris to focus on his studies right after the Revolution . He was always surrounded by his thoughts and his imagination . Evil eventually took over Wolfgang through lust . For example , the speaker states that “there was an evil influence hanging over him; an evil genius or spirit seeking to ensnare his perdition”(Washington) . There was already evil over him watching him and wanting to take some control over his mind Satan was starting to trick his mind . Wolfgang would dream of a girl it had such a strong impression that he dreamt of it over and over again . One night he was walking
One of the many issues I faced as a collage student was choosing the correct major. I did not know what I wanted to accomplish after collage once I entered the work force. I had always seen myself in business somewhere but I never had a revelation on which major was the best for me. I realized that I needed some direction to my life and that I couldn’t get through collage without choosing a career path to take.
Firstly, I would love to be able to make a difference in student’s lives most
Sienna Skies are a five piece POST-HARDCORE act from the city of Sydney Australia. The band formed in early March 2006, the boys started out with a clear passion and mindset to created an electrifying sound they could call their own and expose it to as many ear’s as it was possible. Since then the band has only shown great development not only in their writing but in their performance on and off the stage bringing together their own sounds with a concoctions of melody and harsh screams.
Through this position, I would further pursue these ideas and add the element of service to ensure that all the individuals that are a part of HSA and the Honors Program are able to gain great experiences like I have. One of my main goals for next year would be creating and hosting events associated with the idea of service to create a bigger impact on both the individuals involved in these programs and those in the community. HSA and the Honors Program have been able to host several great educational events, such as discussion forums. Though this is a great method for individuals to learn, I want to take the educational component further by allowing individuals to get experience through hands on service events. Not only would these events expand the knowledge of others, it would also give them a great opportunity to make a positive impact and connection with the community. Lastly, one of the best experiences that I have gained through these organizations is a sense of community and friendship with the other members. Introducing the element of service would allow individuals to come to together and get to know each other while also getting to know the Omaha community, which many may not be familiar
Our emphasis on social equity and development sets you up to fathom advanced issues, showcase aptitudes that make ready for an effective profession, and seek after chances to improve your group.
Students and Staff are the most Important Stakeholders and Customers on Campus (Raisman 2012). According to DR. Raisman, Students, Staff, Faculty, administrators and the community are the five mayor stakeholder groups when it comes to hospitality and customer service for any university or college.
3. Why do you want to be a part of the leadership program at LGHS?