
Post Training Perceptions Of The Pcp Process

Decent Essays

After data were analyzed, post-training perceptions of the PCP process that differed significantly from pre-training perceptions were reported. Students, parents, and educators reported more student participation in the IEP process, more consideration of the students’ interests, and more productive outcomes at the IEP meeting. Furthermore, after training higher levels of satisfaction with the IEP process were reported by educators and more importantly by parents and students.
Next S.T.E.P.. Zhang (2001) investigated the effectiveness of another self-determination intervention: Next S.T.E.P.: Student Transition and Educational Planning curriculum (Halpern et al., 1997). The Next S.T.E.P. curriculum was designed to teach students aged 14 to 21 skills necessary for self-directed transition planning. The quasi-experimental study included 71 ninth grade students with learning disabilities from two schools in Louisiana. All students attended general education classes with the exception of a short period of time which was spent in the resource room, where instruction with the Next S.T.E.P. curriculum occurred. The dependent variable, the ARC Self-Determination Scale was completed by students and provided a measure of self-determination skills as a pre and posttest. Three teachers and their students were assigned to the control group and three teachers and their students were assigned to the instructional group. Results indicated the Next S.T.E.P. curriculum was an

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