
Pottery Barn Website Review Paper

Decent Essays

Pottery Barn (PB) has a user friendly and appealing website. Upon arrival, the customer has a main page with a display of PB’s products in real life settings. Across these scenes are the deals associated with the main product. Today’s example is pillows on sale for 25% off. The website shows the pillows in use on a couch in a living room. This is comparable to walking into PB and seeing the pillows on sale, place on a couch in a living room scene with sale signs and tags posted. The consumer gets the same visual of the product in use. Across the top of the page, PB lists links to the different departments in which products may be found. Just like a store map in the front of the store, the website allows the customer to find products easily. PB’s services are also linked on this main page, which acts as a virtual customer service desk. A shopper searching for towels clicks on the BATH link. PB takes the customer to the bathroom page which showcases the sales on bathroom items. The customer has the option to choose more specific bathroom items. The customer chooses bath towels to see PB’s selection. Each set of towels has a section of the next page which shows the price, sale price (if applicable), colors, description, and a photo of the towel. In the photo, the towel is actually placed …show more content…

CB’s website does not offer the same amount or quality of visuals on its website. On its main pages, it offers visuals of room settings, however; pictures of specific products such as towel are just plotted on a white background. This makes the customer experience a difficult time picturing the product in use in his or her home. Something CB offers which PB does not is product reviews from previous customers. Reviews can hurt or help in online shopping; however, a company that shares its reviews seems to earn a level of trust with a customer because of its willingness to be

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