

Good Essays

Assignment 1: Preferences
Professor Name:
Course Title: Introduction to Psychology 105

Briefly describe your like or dislike (one to two (1-2) sentences).

My dislike is pubic speaking; it has been a very difficult thing to do throughout my entre life. Public speaking is some what terrifying to me and I would try to run the other way every time.

Describe the subfield (e.g., cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, psychoanalytic psychology, etc.) you believe is best suited for providing psychological insight into your preference (the fact that you like or dislike the thing you do) and why you believe it is so.

I would choose Experimental psychology for my subfield. I believe it would relate …show more content…

Over time I have tried many different ways to over come these feelings. I have tried taking a course on public speaking and through out the class I learned several techniques. Which really help and I do try to take then into consideration. But I realize over time when I was taking the course I became comfortable with my classmates which made it easier for me. So when it was time for me to do it in front of a completely different group I had the same feelings all over again. I also tried taking medication prescribed by my doctor to help with the panic attacks but I did not like the way it made me feel and sometimes I would forget to take it. But it did control the feelings that I was having but to a cretin point I felt as though those feelings still over powered the medication. So I have learn to do a combination of these techniques and also try to do breathing exercise and think of positive things. It’s more of a state of reinforcing everything that I have learned and trying to condition myself to a better stat of mind.

Baron, R. A., & Kalsher, M.J. (2008). PSY 105:Introduction too psychology: Third custom edition (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon

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