
Preschoolers Age 6-12 Describe The Elementary Aged Children

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In response to this module, the ages 2 – 6 describe the preschoolers age; 6 – 12 describe the elementary aged children. Physically, the preschoolers put up weight by gaining 5 – 6 pounds and augment 2 – 3 inches in height every year (Harris as cited in Berger, 2013). Preschoolers are sensitively well balanced and their legs continue to growth longer and their gravitation center is lower (Berger, 2013). Focusing on physical development, the difference in the growing between pre-schools and the elementary age children is obvious. In contrast, elementary children gradually growth and experience pubertal changes (Berger, 2013). The preschoolers are more likely looking like children and far to looking like new born (Berger, 2013). During this stage

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