
President Andrew Jackson: A Conflict of Interest Essay

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson is without doubt one of the most influential, controversial, and scandalous presidents that held the office. His ideas created the Democratic Party. His creation of the Democratic Party escalated tensions in Washington D.C. and across the political landscape. These actions led to the creation of an opposing second party. His extreme policies and loose interpretation of the US Constitution affected expansion, commerce, and politics of the nation domestically as well as in the international arena. Andrew Jackson’s loose interpretation of the Constitution is validated by his statement “Each public officer who takes an oath to support the Constitution swears that he will support it as he understands it, and not as it is …show more content…

This prompted many to blame Jackson’s policies for the depression and turn back to central banking and easy credit, thus ensuring that America would join the rest of the major countries of the world in carrying a hefty national debt.(Walter)
Jackson also failed to realize that if there is money to be handled there must be a way to store it and keep track of the money. Jackson denied the rights of Congress given to Congress in Article 1, section 8, clauses 1-3 of the United States Constitution. This section gives Congress the right to “lay and collect taxes; to borrow money; to regulate commerce; to declare and conduct a war; and to raise and support armies.” (Library of Congress) The point of conflict is that even though the right of the federal government to create a national bank is not stated it is implied because without a bank there is nowhere to store money allotted through this clause. In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) it was determined that “Congress may incorporate banks and kindred institutions” (US Supreme Court Cases & Opinions.) which established a precedence that was overlooked by President Jackson.
Often people interpret Jackson as a free market supporter. Free market supporters assert that the government has little influence or interference in economic affairs, which is known as laissez faire. The idea of President Jackson’s being a free market supporter is factious

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