
Prevention Of Dementia Essay

Decent Essays

One problem I would like to solve is the growing percentage of dementia-stricken elderly. Of course a cure for this disease would be astonishing but modern technology and knowledge hinders scientists from formulating such a cure. This is why I believe that we as people should focus more on the prevention of dementia rather than searching for a cure. I've found, through my research, that there's a variety of dementias - Alzheimer's, Vascular, Lewy Body, Mixed, etc., the list goes on. No matter the type, unless genetically inherited, can be prevented in several ways. For instance, keeping a steady workout routine, watching what you eat, drinking plenty of water, lessening the amount of alcohol and smoke intake, and keeping a positive mindset are all …show more content…

However, modern America has become somewhat of a wasteland trashed with fast-food chains at every corner and tobacco companies luring unsuspecting customers into an unhealthy addiction, so keeping a healthy lifestyle can be somewhat troublesome. If we wish to change this, we have to show citizens first hand accounts of the life-altering effects of dementia. Take my grandfather for instance, after about 30+ years of his father running their family owned car business, he took it over and ran it for another 40+ years until he was afflicted with vascular dementia after a bypass surgery about ten years ago. Watkins Automobiles, the business, was his lively-hood, he cherished waking up every morning and going to work just so he could see another happy customer walk off the lot with a car. Little did he know, little did any of us know, that his world would come crashing down. I remember it clearly, I was in Hawaii around six years of age when my mom got the call. "Your grandfather just had a heart-attack," my heart sunk. Here I am eight or so hours away and all I could do was wait for a phone

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