

Decent Essays

v]The film Priceless is primarily about the pervasive and questionable campaign finance practices and their effect on lawmakers and public policy. Three main problems are identified in the movie. First, it takes a lot of money to get into office. Second, it takes a lot of money to stay in office. Third, the lobbyists are well aware of how much money it takes to stay in office and take full advantage of candidates’ and lawmakers’ need for money. To illustrate it’s point, the film identifies two key industry sectors, food and energy, that are used to make the point that campaign finance inappropriately and possibly criminally influences public policy. Both of these industries generate much money for lobbyists. The lobbyists then give money to …show more content…

Bureaucracies are unelected officials who carry out the rules and regulations that are associated with a particular bill that has been passed. Special interest groups and Congress were equally prominent parts of the Iron Triangle in Priceless; although, it seems that special interest groups are the drivers. Congressional members are dependent upon and addicted to what the special interest groups have to offer, usually more money. As the film clearly illustrates, members of Congress, Senators and Representative alike, who vote the way special interests groups tell them to vote, get more money and more perks from the special interest …show more content…

Redefining bribery would go a long way toward preventing campaign contributions from corrupting the political system. Defining bribery as any form of contribution that is connected directly or indirectly to influencing votes and public policy is imperative. Other suggestions that might help include complete anonymity on donations or complete transparency where all donors are known and can’t hide behind PACs. Term limits and outlawing earmarks would also help reduce the absurd amount of campaign contributions that are connected to unethical political influence. Finally, a limit on government spending, as well as a limit on debt and deficits, would perhaps plug up the open flood gates of the public Treasury at both the federal and state level. Only allowing tax payer money to be spent on that which is constitutional could also help bring the spending problem under control. Unfortunately, no amount of laws and limits can prevent corruption by someone who is determined to corrupt the

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