University of Texas at Arlington
EE5380: Principles of Photonics & Optical Engineering
Supriya Kavilkar
100 109 5019
15 August 2015 Absorption coefficient
The absorption coefficient decides how far into a material, the light of a particular wavelength can penetrate before it is absorbed.
The photons that have an energy above the band gap, depends on the wavelength and its absorption coefficient is not constant. The likelihood of retaining a photon relies on upon the probability of having a photon and an electron connect so as to move starting with one energy band then onto the next. The absorption is relatively low for photons with energy very close to that of the band gap, as only those electrons directly at the
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Because dn/dω and dε’/dω have the same sign, the index of refraction decreases with frequency in a spectral region of anomalous dispersion. Anomalous dispersion can be observed experimentally if the substance is not too opaque at the resonance frequency. E.g. certain dyes have absorption bands in the visible region of the spectrum and exhibit anomalous dispersion in the region of these bands. Prisms doped with these dyes produce a spectrum that is reversed, i.e. the longer wavelengths are refracted more than the shorter wavelengths. Aperture
A device that controls the amount of light admitted through an opening. In photography and digital photography, aperture is the unit of measurement that defines the size of the opening in the lens that can be adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the film or digital sensor. The size of the aperture is measured in F-stop. Aspherical
Aspherical lenses are lenses with complex curved surfaces, such as where the radius of curvature changes according to distance from the optical axis. It offers excellent aberration correction performance, which provides superior resolution, even with compact optics composed of a small number of elements.
In a system with astigmatism, the power of the optical system
The concentrations and absorbances of the red and blue dyes were used to find the concentration of the purple dyes. From the graph of the blue dye, the linear equation for absorbance was y = mx + b. From that formula came the equation y = 7.915 x 104 (x) + 0.02489, where y represents absorbance, m is slope, x is concentration/molarity, and b is the constant/y-intercept. The same set up was performed for the red dye, but the equation produced was y = 1.045 x 104 (x) +.001298. The equations found when graphing absorbance vs. concentration were used to find the concentration of the purple dyes. The absorbance for purple dye 3 on the red wavelength of 470 nm equaled 0.149 and 0.818 for the blue wavelength of 635 nm. For purple dye 1
b. Describe the spectral curve of each target type with respect to its absorption and reflectance characteristics. (3)
So if the transmittance is 100 percent then the absorbance is zero. Also another vital goal is to analyze the relationship between absorbance and the wavelength of the two color
Spectroscopy is the study of light. A spectrophotometer is a machine used to determine the absorbance of light at any given wavelength. It does this by using a source of white light through a prism, which gives multiple wavelengths that can be individually focused (Ayyagari and Nigam, 2007). Substances are put into cuvettes that are glass or quartz containers that light can easily travel through. The light that is being focused travels through the substance gets absorbed by the
Scientists use an instrument called a spectrometer to quantitatively determine the amount of light absorbed by a solution. The primary inner parts of a typical spectrometer are described below. The spectrometer has a light source that emits white light containing a vast mixture of different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. The wavelength of interest is then selected using a monochromator (“mono” meaning one and “chromate” meaning color) and an additional exit slit. The separation of white light into different colors (wavelengths) is known as diffraction. The selected light then reaches the sample and depending on how the light interacts with the chemical compound of interest, some of the light is absorbed and some passes straight through. By comparing the amount of light entering the sample (P0) with the amount of light reaching the detector (P), the spectrometer is able to tell how much light is absorbed by the sample.
Sof-Optics is a small (specialty-niche) player in a $155M contact-lens market. (Three competitors occupy 75% of this market (Bausch + Lomb (51%), American Optical (14%), Continuous Curve (10%); approximately twenty players (including Sof-Optics’ ~3%) occupy the remaining 25%.) This consumer space is already appreciable in size (~5M contact-lens wearers in 1980), and promises exponential growth in future years (only 10% of ~50M prospective lens-wearers in America have even tried soft contact lenses).
A = Absorbance difference = Molar extinction coefficient C = Concentration L = Path length
When light is seen through the human eye, all the colors that are seen are those that are not absorbed by the substance. Spectrophotometry is the method used to measure how much a substance absorbs light by determining the intensity of the light. In 1852, The Beer-Lambert law of A= εlc (where A is the absorptivity, ε is the molar absorptivity, l is the path length of the cell, and c is the concentration) was created. The law shows that the absorptivity of a chemical substance is directly proportional to its concentration. The amount of light can be measured by either the absorbance (A) or its transmittance (T). Transmittance, or the light that passes through a substance, can be calculated with T=I/I_0 (where I is the intensitity of the light
Beer’s Law is a direct liner relationship between the absorbance of light are a selected wavelength and the concentration the absorbing species in the solution. (Sullivan 241). Beer’s Law shows a relationship between several concentrations. To determine if the determine our data consistent with Beer’s law, we will plot a graph of absorbance versus concentration with a linear regression
The highly conjugated system of the cyanine dyes makes it a very good compound in the development of more efficient solar cells. In this experiment, the maximum wavelength was measured for nine dyes using a UV-Vis spectrum. The result that were obtained agreed with Kuhn’s model for the less polarizable end groups such as 3,3 '-diethyloxadicarbocyanine and 3,3 '-diethyloxatricarbocyanine. That suggested that these two compounds were not as easy to polarize compared to the rest of the dyes. The rest of the dyes required the use of the empirical parameter α to provide more reliable predictions of the wavelengths. This was due to the highly polarized ends of the dyes which needed the adjustment of the parameter to get more accurate results. The series with the higher polarizable end groups’ absorbed higher wavelength light than the less polarized groups. This supported the idea of the one-dimensional box. Also, higher wavelength was determined to be associated with longer conjugated carbon methine chains between the Nitrogen atoms. Kuhn’s free electron model was very reliable for this system.
The ending result of this experiment confirms that as five test tubes are lined up with the varying level of absorbance, different results in the level of absorbance will appear as well, this is visible in above table. Thus, this is due to the varying amount of water in the solution. The blank sample had a 0.30 in its level of absorbance.
transmittance (T) represents the fraction of the original radiant energy that passes through, or is
Chapter 15 is broken into three different sections; Interference, Diffraction, and Lasers. Throughout the chapter there are various real world examples. This chapter introduces the vocabulary words: coherence, path difference, order number, diffraction, resolving power, and laser. There are inphase and outphase.
How It Works- Instead of using lenses to gather light, these telescopes use concave, primary mirrors at the
There are many disadvantages when using refracting telescopes. One of which is chromatic aberration. Chromatic Aberration happens when light travel through the glass lens and the different colours that make up white light refract at different angles. This causes the observer to see a rainbow around the image they are viewing.