
Privacy: Is It Important To Prevent Social Security?

Satisfactory Essays

Privacy is something that everybody should have it is something that you need in life. However your privacy could be jeapardized others might get a hold of your personal information. But theirs a lot of ways you could protect your information in private stuffs that you do not want others to see you could use the highest private company to keep them safe or you could do it your way the simple ways that best fits you. Believe it or not peoples privacy gets invaded everyday you could keep your self by not being a victim by not setting up the same password for over again for a different account but you may ask wouldn't that be easier for you to remember every time we'll it would be but it would also give hackers advantage to guess it every time too like it is stated in passage 1 paragraph 4 "hackers can penetrate your accounts if you have the habit of

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