
Problems Associated With The Association Of A Company In The Digital Company Case Report

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Introduction: The web presence denotes the presence of a company in the digital world. The following report discusses about the benefits and the problems associated with the association of a company in the web.
Website of a company is used to reach out the potential customers present all over the world. This causes the most engagement of the company with respect to the number of visitors in the website.
Part 1: The multinational company specializing in financial services is the definition of the American Express. The company is involved in the businesses of credit cards and businesses with traveler’s chequeen. However, the company is now involved in many other financial services to help the people meet their needs. The …show more content…

The website presence also made the website rand in the social media to get a large amount of engagement. However, the company owns liability in many aspects. The combined liability indicates that the main charges incurred or debited is liable to both the cardholder and the company. The corporate liability indicates the authorized use of the business cards by specific users only. Due to the online presence, the effectiveness is greatly increased. The website has a rank in the top 200 websites in USA as determined by Alexa. The website also has 7 million followers in Facebook, 900,000 followers in twitter and 160,000 subscribers in YouTube leading to a great online presence in the internet.
Part 2:
Section 1:
Entity Identification:
The name of the organization is American Red Cross Organization. The American Red Cross is an organization that is made to work as a non-profit organization. The main interest on this organization is due to the presence of social work involved in addressing the needs of the affected people. It is also involved in preparing people for emergencies.
Sites for Evaluation:
Hyperlink 1: The website is registered under the American Red Cross organization. The website is used to reach out to the users and get the information of the people in distress. The website also has a feature to collect emails of new users to provide them news reports of recent disasters.
Hyperlink 2:

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