
Procedures How to Make a Insect Repellent Using a Cacao Leaves

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One thing that is important if you want to have project success is having a consistent methodology across the whole organization. The alternative of allowing different methodologies or no methodology is often inefficiencies, higher costs, longer schedules and of course higher risk. Consistency means having a standard way of managing all projects. It ensures that all aspects of the project are considered, evaluated and documented. This methodology should start with the business processes before any project is started and ideally should look at projects as part of a portfolio of Endeavour’s that the business wants to achieve. In addition the methodology should look at projects that are part of a programmer and treat them as such because …show more content…

Likewise, from their primary objective, which “was to incorporate multimodal analgesia including preemptive antinociception into the analgesic regimen of patients undergoing open gastric bypass surgery,” we deduce it should be expressed by the content of the work and according the criteria above mentioned as “to determine if the postoperative multimodal analgesia (study factor) produces better results than the classical analgesia (study factor) on the pain control (evaluation criterion) of the patients undergoing gastric surgery for obesity treatment (population).” Second, in the Methods section in their article, we cannot find the estimated number of individuals needed to be included in the study to determine the desired effect, or, citing an example, an important previous calculation to obtain results(3). We do see an attempted objective in that the “primary end-point of this study was to assess the analgesic efficacy of a multimodal approach compared with the standard unimodal approaches in patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery.” In the Results section, the authors point out significantly that “VAS pain intensity scores between groups differed in the PACU and at 36 h after surgery” on analyzing the visual analog scale (VAS) variable. But what is the value that they expected to find as a difference: 6 points, at 0 h between the group of analgesia with morphine (Group C) and the

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