
Profession of Arms

Decent Essays

What does it mean to be a Profession?
Professions produce uniquely expert work, not routine or repetitive work. Medicine, theology, law, and the military are ―social trustee forms of professions.
1 Effectiveness, rather than pure efficiency, is the key to the work of professionals—the sick want a cure, the sinner wants absolution, the accused want exoneration, and the defenseless seek security. Professionals require years of study and practice before they are capable of expert work. Society is utterly dependent on professionals for their health, justice, and security. Thus, a deep moral obligation rests on the profession, and its professionals, to continuously develop expertise and use that expertise only in the best interests of …show more content…

This is what motivates true professionals; it‘s why a profession like ours is considered a calling—not a job.

The Army has now been an established institution of our federal and state governments for some 237 years. And notice that it was established with the intention to provide an Army that is capable of producing certain security conditions enumerated in the statute. In fact, like many other organizations in
America, the Army is a producing organization—producing ―the human expertise, embodied in leaders and their units, of effective military power for land campaigns. Before a standing federal Army was created in 1803, the colonial militias were under close supervision of the colonial legislatures.

The Army Officer Corps was later professionalized in the late nineteenth century through professional military educational systems such as staff schools at Forts Benning and Leavenworth and the Army War College. With these reforms, bonds of trust between the Army and the American people began to grow. For many years some believed that only officers were professionals, but in the aftermath of Vietnam while rebuilding the ―hollow‖ Army, professional status was extended beyond the officer corps and was earned through professional development by warrant officers, NCOs, and many Army

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