
Professional Development . Reflection On My Career Included,

Good Essays

Professional Development Reflection on my career included, taking a look at the reason I choose nursing as a profession. Working in a retirement home for a few years prior to deciding to become a nurse helped to make the decision. I worked in food services for a posh retirement home, that also had a small locked unit on the first floor for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. Everyday I was exposed to these residents I enjoyed learning and helping them. This made my decision an easy one. Seeing the difference the nurses made everyday, spending time with the residents and having the knowledge to help them, was a huge reminder that I was making the right choice. I remained in awe of the skills that the nurses possessed and how involved …show more content…

The most I could commit to my studies has been one or two courses at a time, therefore, I’m putting more energy towards completing it now. The emergency specialty degree was very intriguing since it focused mainly on emergency based practice and on my preferred area of work. Being able to I enjoy being able to spend my time working towards completing a personal goal while also learning about various emergency based knowledge that will be helpful in my current position. In order to complete these courses I needed the help of my family and friends. Being able to detach from the everyday responsibility of family and work to focus on my studies is a challenge. Despite that, I have been lucky enough to allot some time each week to my course load. During night shifts I use the slow periods to study and write papers. My co-workers are supportive as well to allow me time for breaks undisturbed to concentrate on my studies. Although work and home life can also be hindrances when I must tend to the needs of my family or patients. Working near full time hours pushes the limitations further when I have an assignment deadline. Unfortunately, I do not have the same amount of time to spend researching and focusing on the paper as I would when I work less hours. As noted by Parse (1995) in module

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