
Program Evaluation

Decent Essays

The program evaluation will use a mixed method-approach drawing data from both quantitative and qualitative data sources. The data will be gathered and determined that it is valid, accurate and reliable. Upon summarization of the data a list of recommendations will be developed based on the results obtained. These recommendations will be valid and justifiable in order to alter or continue the program. These recommendation will be efficient, practical and capable of being implemented. To analyze the population that is receiving services and provide information that describes the program, a quantitative analysis will be used. This will help when discussing the program with stakeholders and potential future funders such as the Robert Wood Johnson …show more content…

These factors include ethnicity, poverty, and immigration status. The evaluation will be analyzed to better deliver the services to the target population of uninsured and underinsured children. The comparing of different groups will be done through contingency tables. The qualitative analysis such as the interviews, surveys and data will gather themes that are present in all of the information. The qualitative data source will serve a purpose for program accountability, monitoring and improvement. The participant surveys, staff interviews, and funder’s focus group will provide information on whether the program is operating as expected, how the program is operating and which part of the program is more or less successful. This evaluation will be utilized by many of the stakeholders. The program manager and the staff of Department of Health and Social Services will use the findings to refine program strategies. The findings will help guide the program to focus on areas that are most crucial for effective service delivery. The clinical staff of all the public schools will use the findings to steer the children’s families to obtain health care coverage and connect them with the program. Robert Wood Johnson foundation will use the findings to determine the future funding distribution for the program. The superintendent of Stamford Public Schools will use the findings in advocacy efforts.

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