Program Evaluation The program that this student has designed and will test will not be in a “corporate” type building, it will be conducted within a classroom inside of a public school. This program will be centered on the idea in which both teachers and school administrators come together in helping to truly create a better future through their students, our future. In this classroom volunteers, teachers and therapists will meet to discuss the performance of children in that school. These volunteers would also help collect food and distribute this food to the children in need and their families. This classroom would be the base for educating both teachers and school administrators about healthy boundary crossings, such as when is it appropriate …show more content…
During this year, of preparation this researcher will identify schools that will participate in the evaluation. We will gain approval from the school districts to conduct the evaluations and create the program within the selected schools. This researcher will have to find a director and staff to run the program and socialite volunteers. Since this program and evaluations will be centered on children, this researcher will need to establish funding for all volunteers to get a live scan clearance before being able to join the team. Also during this time, this researcher will have to secure partnerships with local grocery stores/super markets, to provide food donations throughout the following year. Finally, this researcher will notify the parents of the students at the selected schools and receive parental approve. Any parent who wishes to not have their child participate in the evaluation/ program will not be considered for the random selection. This researcher will need an estimated $4,000,000 to conduct the program. The $4,000,000 will go towards paying program directors, supervisors, paying for live scans of volunteers and provide transportation stipends to volunteers and practicum students. Any remaining funds will be given to the families which participated and completed the study/evaluation for their time and …show more content…
This will be on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being poor behavior and 5 being excellent behavior. To keep the students identity confidential all students in the school will be graded on this scale and researchers will only use the scales needed. The hopes of this research will show that students who are receiving help will have improved behavior, while the control group will stay the same or decrease. The researcher’s theory in coming to this conclusion is that the students receiving help will show an increase in motivation, because they see and learn that people of authority actually do care about their and their families’
Additionally, our presence and partnership at the Fairview Elementary school has given us the opportunity to care for the social, emotional, and education needs of their whole student body. Now, test scores in math, reading and science have all substantially increased. So, with your help, we would like to place a staff member at a second school location where students are struggling due to low income and difficult family circumstances. With your help, we will positively impact hundreds of students and everyone those student touch in the years to
This program evaluation examines the effectiveness of maintaining the emotional, intellectual, and social functioning of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and the assistance in which caregivers receive through support groups as provided by Respite and Research for Alzheimer’s disease agency located in San Jose, California, serving the elderly in the adult day program. Respite and Research for Alzheimer’s Disease is a nonprofit corporation that was established in 1984. The Alzheimer’s Activity Center was established in San Jose’s Willow Glen area in 1986 ("Respite and Research for
Our mission is to ensure that less fortunate children from kindergarten through twelfth grade have the educational necessities to succeed in their future endeavors. With the right tools, we can ensure positive learning which will in return promote classroom success. For the upcoming school year, 2017-2018, our desire is to provide
Upon receiving authorization from the Tennessee State University Institutional Review Board to perform the study, the principal researcher will seek necessary authorization from the Promise Enhanced Option Academy as well as its administration to oversee the research at the site. The principal of the Promise Enhanced Option Academy, Mr. John Driskell, and the curriculum-assessment coordinator will arrange for the survey to be administered and distributed at the weekly planning and professional development period. Thus, a site-wide administration of the instrument was administered to the Promise Enhanced Option Academy classroom teachers which are a Kinder-school or Kindergarten only school, which makes this site specifically unique. There are 10 classroom teachers at Promise Enhanced Option Academy. 8 kindergarten teachers (regular education), 1 outside teacher specifically for special education, and 1 physical education teacher who is responsible for Y-CAP and instruction for wellness. Teachers will receive the survey before the quarter ends on a specified date in late November at a Friday professional development. Teachers will be given the option to via a specific set of instructions to complete the survey on a voluntary basis. The principal will provide the necessary support and leadership in regards to the distribution of the survey and the cover letter explaining the purpose of the study to each teacher. The surveys will potentially take 8
Time-Out is the title for the proposed program, providing prevention and solution-based services to African American high school student-athletes in Hampton, Virginia (Baskerville, 2015). To begin with, this paper will provide a comprehensive program evaluation model for the program. Secondly, it will outline the evaluation framework the program will use to evaluate the program. Next, the paper will provide a timeline detailing when critical evolution task for the program will take place. Leading to, how program evaluation will maintain the program’s sustainability. From there, the paper will explain how the evaluation results will be shared with the stakeholders and the community. In conclusion, it will discuss strategies to create a culture of evaluation within the program.
It is now evident that the implementation of a performance program shall involve the use the use of different personnel from the organization. The success of any program is therefore hitched upon the support it receives from the personnel in the organization and the acceptance it gains within the organization (Levy and Williams).. The goal of having a communication plan in the process of setting up a performance program is to ensure that it needs to be accepted by the majority of the employees within the organization and hence assure higher satisfaction levels among the [participants in the program. The plan shall also help in achieving another goal which includes the fact that information concerning the program is equally disseminated within the organization.
In April 2015, nine women graduated from the Women on the Move (WOTM) leadership program. This graduation marks the fifth group of graduates to complete the WOTM leadership program.
This question is a real tough one for me as I have had absolutely no experience with D.A.R.E. I did not experience this program, or any other programs, as a student nor as a teaching professional. My learning experience in regards to drugs and alcohol was in a high school health education class. I found a great journal article about D.A.R.E, how it has evolved through the years, and discussion of its effectiveness. According to Singh, Jimerson, Renshaw, Saeki, Hart, Earhart, and Steward (2011), D.A.R.E has been considered one of the “nation’s most popular prevention programs” in helping children resist peer pressure and avoid environments that may include drugs, gangs and violence (Singh et al., 2011, p. 93). Is the D.A.R.E a successful program? According to Singh et al. (2011), “research yielded evidence illustrating that the old D.A.R.E. is largely ineffective in producing changes in youth’s
The likely percentage of those whose needs will be met in Tier 3 is 5%. These students are located at the very top of the pyramid because they are individuals who exhibited patterns of severe or extreme problem behaviors. The supports that are given during this Tier should involve the behavior support team (BST) because these are individuals who know him/her best. A functional behavior assessment (FBA) is given to investigate why a behavior is occurring in more detail. Then a Behavior Implementation plan (BIP) is developed that includes more intensive research-based interventions, more detailed progress monitoring , and more staff involvement to discover the problem for individual students. Students with the most severe needs may require wraparound services which include processes for identifying and coordinating family and community services. The difference between Tier 3 and the other levels of positive behavior supports are the focus and intensity of the interventions. The defining features of a students are in a more comprehensive manner. Tier 3 interventions are implemented in a more flexible, but systematic process of functional behavioral assessment and behavioral intervention planning. The problem-solving process gives a step by step of how the problem is handled. The first step is identifying the problem, second is figuring out why the problem is occurring, third is what steps are we going to take to handle the problem, and the fourth is asking yourself whether or not the response to intervention is working. The data that is collected during Tier 3 is the BIP, RTI, and the FBA. The progress monitoring is daily and intervention is given weekly. Adjustments are made when appropriate for the individual student with the problem
Throughout my clinical experiences I have encountered a large variety of school cultures and environments. I've been lucky enough to work with both public and charter schools and have first-hand experience with grades one through four. While I have taught and observed all of the typical subjects including math science, reading, and social studies, I have also worked in the schools to educate students in theater as well as health and physical education. From all of these experiences I learned that my greatest passion is in working with young students, grades K-2, in underprivileged schools.
In this course I have acquired that there are various causes which influences a child’s behavior. Many children have behavioral problems. Challenging behavior is to be anticipated in some form in the classroom. What is significant is how the educator answers and evaluates the challenging behavior. Using the proper plan and apparatuses to record and collect data in order to develop behavior is essential. This allows the educator to comprehend why this behavior is happening and how to help the child better interconnect their moods. When children are given a preemptive plan with an appropriate positive atmosphere challenging behavior will reduce and replenish with appropriate behavior. It is significant to strengthen at each opportunity of
Linnan and Steckler (2002) describe the following key process evaluation components: Context-aspects of the larger social environment that may affect implementation; Reach-the proportion of the intended audience to whom the program is actually delivered; Dose-delivered-The amount of intended units of each program component that is delivered; Dose-received-the extent to which participants engage with the program; Fidelity-the extent to which the intervention was delivered as intended ( Bartholomew et al., 2011. p.526).
All kids that grow up in bad neighborhoods usually grow up around gangs and drugs. This program would be designed to help get kids off the streets and give them something to do in their free time. Now as this program is for children in need we will provide transportation, as needed, to and from the rehearsal area. We would also provide lunches/dinners for all the kids in the program. The reason why we would provide lunches and dinners is that a lot of kids in need only ever get nutritious meals at school and nowhere else. We would provide a summer play/class that would be 3 days a week from 12-5 pm for half of the summer, a fall play that would be 2 days a week from 5-8 pm, and a spring play, that would be 2 days a week from 4:30-6pm. We
The program evaluation will use a mixed method-approach drawing data from both quantitative and qualitative data sources. The data will be gathered and determined that it is valid, accurate and reliable. Upon summarization of the data a list of recommendations will be developed based on the results obtained. These recommendations will be valid and justifiable in order to alter or continue the program. These recommendation will be efficient, practical and capable of being implemented.
The purpose and relevance of this study are to determine if we use a certain amount of praise towards students if their behavior will change through different kinds of situations. There were two experiments conducted for this study. The two experiments were called Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. The different groups that would be used during this study were called easy 100, easy 33, and difficult 100. The main focus of this study is to get rid of problematic behaviors, mainly those who self-injure, have aggression, and have tantrums, all of which that are serious enough for the safety of the child and others.