
Project Deliverables For The Fire Management Display Kit Project

Decent Essays

Project Deliverables. For these projects that I was assigned, there were some deliverables. For the fire management display kit project, I created a manual using Microsoft word. The manual consisted of a table with pictures of each display item and a description. Lakmal’s intention was to have it printed and laminated for the visitor 's display. I had some problems formatting this table with the pictures in a visually pleasing manner. However, for the most part, this was a fairly simple project. For the zoom scale project, I first delivered an excel document containing the ideal zoom scales for each park. Once Lakmal determined that the information was suitable I updated a table on the Sharepoint page in order to allow other members …show more content…

My only previous knowledge of offices work came from movies and TV shows. Despite these preconceived thoughts, I was optimistic that an office at Parks Canada would not be a stereotypical office like those seen on TV and in movies. For the most part, my optimism met the reality. The office was well lit and the people were very nice. My workspace was also not what I expected. I had a full sized cubicle with two large monitors. A comfortable chair and cupboard space to put my things in. There are very large windows all along the outside of the building that are visible from my cubicle which helped liven up the atmosphere. I was even allowed to wear headphones while I was working, this was a big plus while doing some tedious work. I did not find it too hard to get used to working in these conditions, however, I do feel it could have gotten a little stale if it had been a full-time job. All in all, I would say I am less scared of working in an office setting then I was before this opportunity. I now feel like I have a much better understanding of how the government operates and what expectations are put on government employees. I would say that my role was a supporting role. I basically was there to take some of the workload off of Lakmal 's shoulders. As explained in previous sections I was not working on any single project but a verity of smaller projects. For the most part what I was working on was not

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