
Promoting Organizational Creativity And Innovation

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As the paper based on a particular scenario in organization hired a graduate to support the promotion of innovation and creativity. Therefore, the focus is to highlight influential contributors on climate for innovation and creativity and how could be innovation and creativity can be promoted and supported. Secondly, the role of human resource department in supporting creativity and innovation also discussed in perspective how creative ideas can be implemented within the organization. The paper highlights that for creating creative and innovative climate, it is necessary to establish a consistent format that standardizes the way they generate and send ideas. This also facilitates largely the work of the evaluator to allow one’s vision …show more content…

The creativity of employees represents one of the most valuable companies’ today intangible assets. It is thanks to her that many organizations fail to find new and revolutionary ways of doing things, achieving change course and achieve success would be unthinkable through other routes. But a problem, derived from the intangibility of creativity arises. And it is not always easy to assess the potential of creativity, and this is presented as a major obstacle to it.
Employees are a major source of innovation and new ideas that have organizations. Above all, the factor that makes it so interesting is the fact that the generation of new ideas is produced internally, making it easy to process of innovation as long as the company counts with the channels and means to enhance and channel the creativity of its workforce (Gumusluoglu&Ilsev, 2009, pp. 461-73). That is why it is so necessary to adopt techniques and procedures aimed at channeling such creativity.

Creativity, innovation and change
In referring to the organization literature, the terms creativity, innovation and change are intimately linked, so it is advisable to clarify their meanings.Hulsheger, et. al., (2009, pp. 1128) distinguishes creativity and innovation. For him, creativity is the thought process that helps us generate ideas. Innovation is the practical

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