
Proposal For A Magazine

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Proposal for magazine production

The title of my magazine will be ‘Supercalifragilistic’. This title is outstanding and different from other lifestyle magazines which should benefit more interesting to the public. The word ‘Supercalifragilistic’ is come from ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’, which is a song from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins. The roots of the word have been defined as follow: super-above, cali-beauty, fragilistic-delicate, expiali-to atone, and – docious-educable. According to the film, the word gained its popularity. And, it is commonly defined as “extraordinary good” or “wonderful” as all reference to the word in the film can be perceived as positive.

The genre of my magazine is going to be lifestyle with a little bit of freestyle. This is because lifestyle magazine is popularized to everyone. And I hope that it would not under the bound of format. The cover of the magazine is a photograph of scenery in Switzerland. I would like to show the feeling of postcard through the cover page’s picture. The title of magazine will be present will different ways in each …show more content…

To serve my target audience with the best content, we always make sure the contents of my magazine come with the best structure. As example, issue 001 contains different kinds of section and advertisement and feedback form. Advertisement in my magazine including Ezbuy, which is an online shopping app that normally known around my target audience; Uber, which is an app provides car transportation to your destination; Starbucks, and more. All of the advertisement is appropriate with the taste of my target audience. To get feedback and idea of my target audience about my magazine, of course, feedback form is needed. Feedback form will be on the last page of the magazine. They also can send feedback through email, and another social media platform which will be mentioned in my

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