
Proposed Socio Spatial Network Models And Compare Them With Those Of Er, Sw, And Ba Networks

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In this section we present our computational results of the properties of the proposed socio-spatial network models and compare them with those of ER, SW, and BA networks when it is appropriate. More specifically, we measure clustering coefficient, network density, average path length, assortativity, transitivity, and min, max, mean, and standard deviation degree. While several algorithms have been proposed for some of these measures, for simplicity of reproducing the results, we use the algorithms that have been implemented in the Python’s Networkx library. All results are averaged over 25 independent model runs with different random seeds. It should be noted that in all analysis in this study we only consider undirected networks. Moreover, since the focus of this study is on the human social network, we limit our analysis to Onnela et al’s (2011) findings that α ≈ 1.5 and only consider three values of α = 1.2, 1.5, and 2 for our sensitivity analysis purposes. 4-1- Properties of the Spatial Erdös-Rényi Network In this subsection we compute and report the characteristics of our proposed SER social network in terms of empirical regularity measures. ER and SER networks have different parameters, so pairwise comparisons are not possible. However, computing and comparing their network properties can provide valuable insights about their behavior under considered parameter settings. Here we report network properties for three different values of connection probability p in the ER

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