In todays modern workforce, you have to do something that will set you apart from the competition in order to succeed, the workforce is very competitive no matter what your job is. Many people ask them selfs how they should treat their coworkers, with respect and to be firm, or to be nice and apologetic, or just a plain jerk. The vast majority of people will agree that they hate to work for or with a jerk, but what they don't realize is that they respect or listen to the “jerk” for the most part. Often people will appreciate or be thankful for a nice boss or coworker. A common negative of being the “nice” person in the workplace is that people will tend to eventually take advantage of you. Men and women tend to have to act differently in the …show more content…
Even though your coworkers might not typically enjoy your presence or consider you someone they would go to the bar with, but they will typically will respect you (Reiter 142). People who seem to know that their own ideas are the best tend to come off to other people with opposing ideas as a jerk in every aspect of life, not only the workforce. It can come off as this because the alleged “jerk” will not even consider any opposing view point or alternative method to get something done. They do this because they know they have thought through every possibly way to accomplish a task, and came to their conclusion and will stick with it. To be a nice boss or coworker typically means not always putting your own personal feelings and thoughts first. You have to take in account other peoples feelings, their lives and what they are experiencing. Often times nice coworkers end up “taking responsibility for making things right, even when it wasn't them who made it go wrong”(Reiter 14). This leads to your own feelings and issues being left alone, because the main focus of work is dealing with other peoples …show more content…
The ideal workplace would be a place where everyone gets along, and everyone gets promoted and everyones happy. The one issue? Competition. In todays workforce people constantly want to keep moving forward and setting them selves apart from others, that is how people get promotions. People obviously need too and should work as hard as possible in order to move up in rank at work, workers need to make their boss happy to keep their job. One strategy Tinsley suggested was to be a “advocate for others”(Tinsley). She claimed that there is new research that suggests that if women are advocates for others, sticking up for other people no matter the situation, they will not be seen as violating today feminine norms, and that they will actually be respected for
First, women in the professional world face harsh criticisms that are both portrayed in the media and rooted in Biblical interpretations. A Commercial by Pantene points out the issue of labelling. A man is labelled “boss,” while a woman is labelled “bossy”; a man staying late at work is “dedicated,” while a woman staying late at work is “selfish” (Social Voice
The friendly, fuzzy feelings from benevolent sexism come at a cost, “[they]..aren't all sunshine and butterflies” (Tannenbaum, 2013). Even though they benefit women (compliments, perks), benevolent sexism often creates a damaging stereotype for women in male dominated fields. The motivation behind the chivalrous acts directed towards women comes from the traditional gender stereotyping of masculine dominance, thus proposing inequality based on gender.
I honestly am not sure why I do it, I could be exhausted from working five days then go in to help on my only day off just to be nice. I abide by these rules I set into place to keep myself in check. I often see people at school or in public who are rude and do not show any respect towards others and that enrages me. I would never be able to live with myself if I acted like an asinine fool. No one in return will respect me if I did. I look to showcase myself in the brightest light possible and set an impressive image for others to look at me as. Using my personal code of chivalry I believe has really molded me into what I am. I hold my eating utensils properly, keep my elbows off the table while eating, say please and thank you, help others when given the chance, and reflect myself in a brighter light. I want to stick out from others to be viewed as a good person. Being good feels good. It is as simple as that and if I can help others and myself along the way then I must continue to us my personal code of
Gender bias has continued to be constructed in communication through marked forms. In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg discusses, “When people talk about a female pilot, a female engineer, or a female race car driver, the word “female” implies a bit of surprise”(Sandberg, 140). If everyone continues not to discuss gender bias then the world will continue to use marked forms, which Sandberg sees as a tool for people to be-little others (Sandberg, 140). She concludes this thought by saying “We can no longer pretend that biases do not exist, nor can we talk around them. The result of creating a more equal environment will not just be better performance for our organizations, but quite likely greater happiness for all”(Sandberg, 158).
Although women have been apart of the workplace for the past few years, this does not mean that they are going to be treated equally by their coworkers, both men and women. As written about in chapter seven of, I Can’t Believe She Did That! Why Women Betray Other Women at Work Nan Mooney explains Tokenism, and it’s effects on the workplace to this day.
A good boss generally leaves the employees to do his or her work, but is available to help the employee if needed. As a result, employees tend to be happier, more at ease, and more likely to be more productive in his or her work environment. There are many qualities that make up a good boss. A good boss cares about their job as well as the employees who work under them. It is important
Recognizing the personal benefits of being nice might motivate us to do it a little more often like when an opponent gives you a harsh tackle in a soccer game.
One reason that being kind is good is that if you are kind it will increase your success and the success of others. In an article called “The Secret of Success? Kindness” Stephen Einhorn who has a MD, PhD, and is chairman of the department of oncology-pathology at the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm says “On the contrary, being kind to our fellow human beings is preconditioned to becoming successful. Goodness and kindness are the single most important factors when it comes to how successful we will be in our lives”(Hill 1)To be successful you must be nice to others or you will not get super far in life. When you are mean and ruthless others will not be happy to do there job
In today's world, niceness is so rare that people most probably believe it cannot exist to that high a level where it can be considered selfless. There’s something very tricky about the society we live in. If you give in to “jerk” tendencies, it is very easy to see and measure the rewards you accrue as a result. Alternatively, it is harder to see and measure the rewards that an empathetic person receives, which makes it harder for us to see any reason to try being nicer to people. In the article, 10 Reasons Why It's Better to Be a Jerk, by Heather Fishel the advantage of being mean are discussed, however I would have to strongly disagree with this logic. According to the article being a “jerk” can increase your salary, get you more promotions
A good boss will have respect for their workers. There’s a big difference between a firm hand and an iron fist. Employees can be motivated by being valued and encouraged rather than being motivated through fear. This is what separates the good boss from the bad.
The world of business is a jungle, we are constantly told, but does this mean we must behave like animals to survive? In my opinion, caring may not be the key to success especially when we speak business. Ask the average person what thoughts are untrue up by the word 'business' and you would probably get a list that includes such terms as cut-throat, hard-nosed, ruthless, aggressive and brutal, unlikely the word 'nice' would be among it. Businessmen, in the popular imagination, are' meant to be driven and determined, people who are set upon succeed at any cost. Listen to most companies, and most chief executives, and they will tell you that being smart, loyal and present does not necessary
I do believe that it is sometimes more satisfying being nice to people who don’t deserve it. Being nice creates a positive atmosphere, which can get rid of negative thoughts and behaviors. Emotions could sometimes be contagious, and spreading positivity can impact those are around you, which could be satisfying. Even if I wasn't able to change other peoples feelings; knowing that I was able to keep my composure and be the bigger person, is satisfying. However, I don't believe that treating people nicely will necessarily increase my performance. The only time I think it might affect my performance is when I have nice customers, and I go out of my way to make sure they get what they need.
Patience is a key element of success in the workplace. I work at Burger King. Sometimes you might deal with a angry customers. They Might say some things that you don’t like but you have to deal with it, that is a situation that require patience. Or maybe sometimes you need to work some extra hours due to urgency of some matters. You may get stuck in an instance which causes your impulse to react quickly. Whenever someone is being rude to you, you could just kill them with kindness. A bad attitude can get you fired, so take it down a notch, take a deep breath, and take a break before you go off the deep end. An employee who gets the ball rolling and keeps everyone on track is a much
For my research question I will be asking: “How is America making progress on gender equity?” Fundamentally, I believe that women are still misrepresented, and are still facing many challenges in the workplace, especially in the business world. The gender stereotypes play a considerable role in the way the society sees women as leaders. However, it will be judicious to consider the small but noticeable changes that have been made over the past years concerning gender equality in the American workplace.
The workplace is places where everyone should feel comfortable and a safe place for them to work. The online publication by the American Sociological Association was race relations. ‘’RACE, ETHNICITY, AND THE AMERICAN LABOR MARKET: WHAT’S AT WORK’’. One thing the article mention was ‘’ several key economic indicators suggest that not everyone who wants to work can find a satisfactory job’’ (P.2 2011). Which means that a person who looks to a job for other people cannot find satisfactory, because you may not like something that the person does or said to you. Meaning that the workplace is not always a place you can be happy all the time and by being your own boss is the best to be happy at work. The question to ask is what cause people not