
Pros And Cons Of Dynamite

Satisfactory Essays


“As you go through life, you will meet a lot of people that do not like the same things that you do. This is a personal preference difference, and it's normal. But anybody who says that they don't like Napoleon Dynamite is a fucking sociopath asshole who needs to be put to the sword. These people do not understand humor, and they are worthless.”
- Gamboh 2016

Film is my passion. I thoroughly enjoy watching and analyzing movies - finding the pros and cons. In film there are many different pieces that have to go together in order to make a movie work including: cinematography, the actual image and how it is displayed; sound, the score, sound effects and overall how clear it is to understand what actors are saying; the editing, how all the individual clips are put together; and dialogue and story, what the actors are saying and what the movie is about. A bad movie probably has done most of these poorly. A good movie may be lacking in one of these departments. A great movie has all bases covered, however, there are exceptions on this depending on personal preference. Some movies might end up being controversial. Some may love it. Same may hate it. But one must still appreciate a movie for all the hard work and effort that has been poured into it. My favourite example of a polarizing movie is Jared Hess’ 2004 movie Napoleon Dynamite. …show more content…

The movie shows how high school student Napoleon Dynamite aimlessly goes about his way. The lack of direction from the story portrays life perfectly, how everything we do really isn’t following a set path. This exchange from the very start of the movie perfectly sums up it

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