While there are obviously many positives to the earth giving plant that is marijuana, now I would like to point out what marijuana’s critiques say against the wonderful drug.
Everybody has seen the commercials on television showing marijuana’s peer pressure of how not to follow the wrong crown of people who use this drug , and how marijuana is a gateway drug towards the virtual end of a kid’s life ect. But these commercials probably do a good job of keeping these kids from smoking weed and doing other things too. also I am more concerned with how true this propaganda is. Is canabis a gateway drug, and if you smoke it will you become addicted or will things happen to your body like the commercials says? The problem that I have with this statement
The question of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for recreational and medicinal use has been a three decade long conversation. There are many pros and cons to legalizing marijuana. There are many different ideas about the effects of marijuana, but as with any drug answers are going to vary depending on the person you survey. Age, health, and mental stability are all factors to consider how a drug can positively or negatively affect you, and marijuana is no different. To be legal or not to be legal is the million dollar question up for debate.
Marijuana is a highly misunderstood substance, for which people have developed an array of diverse opinions and predilections. The drug remains to be illegal in the majority of America and has received a lot of controversy lately for its growing possibility of nationwide legality. Unlike many of the analysts for this matter, we have decided to provide an unbiased list of simple facts you should know about marijuana. No matter your current position, these facts on the issue should be acknowledged in order to form your own opinions about the misunderstood drug.
Before 1937, marijuana was freely bought, sold, grown, and smoked in the United States. Since that time, all of these activities have been illegal, but many groups and individuals have fought to decriminalize marijuana. The congressional decision to classify marijuana as a Schedule I drug in 1970 has made the legalization campaign more difficult, since it officially established marijuana as a dangerous, addictive drug with no medicinal benefits.
The uses of marijuana amongst teenagers has increased over the years making it the most accessible drug in America as well as one the most beneficial due to its medical uses. According to the article of Marijuana Use Among Youths Is a Serious Problem, written by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (CASA) (2004), stated that the uses of marijuana has impacted the youth in many ways due to the unknown factors of marijuana such as admittance to treatment facilities, and being admitted into emergency rooms. The CASA took the con side of the argument dealing with the issues of marijuana use with teenagers. The second article Marijuana Should Be
Legalizing marijuana has always been an interesting topic for many people to dispute about. Some people say it is good, while others say it is bad. No matter what topic you speak about, it has its pros and cons. For example, marijuana can be used in great ways if legalized. Through money given from dispensaries to the crime rate lowered because of the ability to acquire marijuana in legal ways. Some bad examples are that it can be a gateway drug and can cause one to want a “better high” to people thinking it affects people's lives. Legalizing marijuana (medical and recreational) will help the United States with money, crime, and other numerous ways.
Cannabis is becoming increasingly widespread and increasingly common in modern-day society for both recreational use and for medication. The article by Craig Reinarman, ‘Criminalisation, legalisation and the mixed blessing of medicalisation in the USA’ generates many controversial issues of cannabis.
The topic of marijuana use in today’s society is currently a hot topic in both politics as well is in social settings. There are many positives and negatives towards whether or not marijuana should be legalized, as well as medical and recreational pros and cons. This paper will cover the pros and cons of all topics and my personal viewpoint on the topic.
Support for legitimizing Marijuana is not new. In any case, demographic changes may support improving marijuana laws. With it’s across the board use among undergrads starting in the 1960's, cannabis is no more a medication connected with edges of society. Today, the National Association for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), the most noticeable association campaigning for its authorization, asserts that about 100 million Americans have utilized marijuana. A World Health Organization study reports that more than 40 percent of Americans have attempted it. Defenders of authorizing marijuana can indicate the present lip service among legislators: potentially three Presidents, a Supreme Court Justice, California's Governor, and various conspicuous
Attorney General Jeff Sessions as reversed President Obama’s 2013 policy that protects legalized marijuana programs from intervention from the federal government. What this does is hands the decision back to each state. Each state’s U.S. attorney will now decide whether to enforce the federal marijuana law. Attorney General Sessions stated that “it is the mission of the Department of Justice to enforce the laws of the United States.” According to General Sessions, the previous policy undermines the rule of law. Currently, individuals that are prescribed medical marijuana and the programs that supply it are protected from federal prosecution by the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment. The amendment expires on January 19, 2018. (Schladebeck & Blain 2018).
Marijuana is internationally the most commonly used illegal substance. Marijuana is psychoactive drug that affects different parts of the body. It has been classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance. Surveys say that approximately 34.9 percent of high school Seniors in the United States use marijuana and close to 6 percent of seniors report using the drug on an everyday bases. As stated by the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 19.8 million adults in America had used marijuana the month before being surveyed.
Marijuana is under a lot of scrutinization lately, but the natural drug is becoming a much more widely accepted medical option for symptom relief. Even some of the biggest celebrities are beginning to endorse it, and you won’t believe what they are doing with it! Read on to find out!
Way before marijuana was ever used as a popular recreational intoxicant, it was used as a widespread industrial product. Originally brought over to America by British settlers, marijuana hemp was prized for its versatility. It was also used to make a lot of things like, paper, rope, and cloth. In fact, it has been established that both George Washington was not only the father of the United States and a cannabis plantation owners, but also a user of the plant for relaxation and merriment (Schwartz, 2008). There are way more cons than pro’s.
While both sides have legitimate perspectives, the legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use does not cause undue harm to a society that has already been using the drug for multiple purposes. On the contrary, legalization brings to
One such argument, and the major point of view for most anti-drug supporters, is that marijuana is a gateway drug. This means that marijuana leads to other more harmful narcotics. Although this is the case in some situations, there are many people in the world that view all other drugs as
Should Marijuana be Legalized? Over half of Americans answer ‘’Yes.’’ Marijuana is greatly frowned upon, not just in America, but all across the globe. But these laws against Marijuana are up for debate in several countries. Especially in the United States. There are sixteen states in this country that allow medical usage of Marijuana.