Prostate Cancer
Cancer of the prostate, a common form of cancer, is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the prostate. The prostate is on the male sex glands, and is located just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The size of the prostate is about the size of a walnut. It surrounds the part of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. The prostate makes fluid that becomes part of the semen, which contains sperm. Prostate cancer is most commonly found in older men.
As a man gets older, his prostate may get bigger and block the urethra of bladder, which can cause him to have difficulty urinating or even interfere with sexual functions. This condition is called
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Surgery is the most common of the three treatments.
The cancer may be removed by either radical prostatectomy, transurethral resection, or cryosurgery (removing the cancer by freezing it. Radical prostatectomy removes the prostate and some the tissues that surround it. This surgery may be done by cutting into the space between the scrotum and the anus in an operation called a perneal prostatectomy, or by cutting into the lower abdomen in an operation called a retropubic prostatectomy. Radical prostatectomy is done only if the cancer has not spread outside the prostate. Often, a surgery to remove the lymph nodes in the pelvis, called pelvic lymph node dissection, is done to make sure the cancer has not spread outside the prostate. If it is found out that the lymph nodes do have cancer, a prostatectomy will most likely not be performed.
Transurethral resection cuts the cancer from the prostate using a tool with a small wire loop on the end that is put into the prostate through the urethra. This operation is sometimes done to relieve symptoms caused by the tumor before other treatment, or in men who cannot have a radical prostatectomy because of age or other illnesses.
Radiation therapy uses high x-rays to kill
Time out was performed and all information was accurate and confirmed. Skin marker is used to mark incision line. A #10 knife blade on a #3 handle is used to make a vertical suprapubic incision is made through the skin and linea alba extending from below the umbilicus to the symphysis. The rectus muscles are retracted with Richardson retractors to develop the prevesical space. Blunt dissection by the surgeon’s finger is used to reflect the peritoneum superiorly away from the dome of the
This procedure is done by making a small puncture in the groin or a small incision in the chest.
• Parts of your prostate will be resected using the cutting edge of the resectoscope.
Robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove the entire prostate gland and the seminal vesicles. This procedure is done to treat prostate cancer that has not spread to other parts of the body (metastasized). The goal of the procedure is to remove all cancer cells and to prevent prostate cancer from metastasizing.
Page Description: Prostate cancer can be metastatic if early treatment is not performed. Effective treatment methods like radiation therapy can be helpful in treating the associated symptoms.
This surgery is usually done using a minimally invasive technique called laparoscopy. The technique allows the surgery to be done through small incisions instead of a large incision. It results in less pain, a smaller risk of infection, and a shorter recovery time.
During the digital rectal examination (DRE) evaluation of the prostate size and contour are assessed. Normal prostate volume in a young man is approximately 20 g which is about one fingerbreadth on examination. Most asymptomatic men have glands of 2 fingerbreadths or less (Deters, 2015). Decreased anal sphincter tone or lack of bulbocavernosus muscle reflex can signify an underlying neurological disorder. A urinalysis and urine culture along with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test will also be done to confirm diagnosis. If the symptoms are moderate to severe then a blood creatinine may be down to see how well the kidneys are functioning. A post-void residual urine test measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after urinating. Pressure flow studies measure the pressure in the bladder wall while urinating. A cystometrogram measures the bladder’s pressure, complaince, and capacity to store urine. Other tests maybe warranted if there are further complications with BPH or if other causes may be present. An ultrasound may be ordered to check the size and structure of the kidneys, bladder, and prostate. A cystoscopy allows a doctor to look inside the urethra and bladder to see just how much of the prostate is blocking the urethra. An intravenous pyelogram uses X-rays to show the function of the kidneys and the flow of the bladder from the kidneys to the bladder. A spiral computed tomography uses X-rays to
The wound around the surgical site is then closed with stitches. The tissue is then sent to the laboratory for microscopic examination to verify that all cancerous cells have been removed. A repeat excision may be necessary if evidence of skin cancer is found in the specimen. Another, is called Curettage and Electrodesiccation. In this surgery a growth is scraped off with a curette, a tool with a sharp, ring-shaped tip, and they use burning heat produced by an electrocautery needle that destroys tumors and controls bleeding. This procedure is repeated a few times, a deeper layer of tissue being scraped and burned each time to help make sure that no tumor cells remain there. Another, is called Cryosurgery. In this surgery the doctor destroys the tumor tissue by freezing it with liquid nitrogen, using a cotton-tipped applicator or spray device. There is no cutting or bleeding, and no anesthesia is required. The procedure may be repeated several times at the same session to help ensure destruction of all malignant cells. The growth becomes crusted and scabbed and usually falls off within
Prostate cancer being a huge cause of mortality and medical expense in men age forty and above has only recently become a topic of general conversation to men in America (Plowden, 2009). African-American men are affected by prostate cancer at a disproportional level than all other men. They are diagnosed up to 65% more frequently and the mortality rate is twice that of Caucasian counterparts (Emerson, 2009). The African-American male is also less likely to take advantage of free prostate cancer screening (Oliver, 2007).
There are several different types of cancers in the world, including testicular cancer. Testicular cancer is a disease only found in males where uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells are found in the tesicles that is commonly seen in young men from the ages of 15 to 35. Although it is one of the most curable types of cancer, there are different types of testicular cancer where there are several cells that start in a different part of the tesitcles that can cause the development of one or more types of cancer. Testicals are the male sex glands which produce testosterone, hormones, and also make and store sperm. Tesicles, often reffered to as testes, are found behind the penis inside the scrotum, they are about the size of a golf ball, which usually make up one portion of the male reproductive system.
One of these is applied when the cancer is Stage IV. Stage IV is the cancer has grown through the wall of the bladder and into the pelvic or abdominal wall (T4b). The cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, but not to nearby areas or the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or to the bones, liver, or lungs. Treatments for bladder cancer are surgery, intravesical therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. (American Cancer Society Inc.)
Prostate cancer originates in the male prostate gland. Cancers in this gland are the most common malignancies, which grow very slowly, and can have minimal effect on a man’s quality of life. However, a tumor in the prostate gland can be problematic for men, especially black men, even though it is only about the size of a walnut. Located below the bladder and in front of the rectum, the prostate provides the fluid that nourishes and protects sperm cells in the semen. Researchers are still debating the cause of this disease, although certain risk factors such as age, ethnicity, culture, environment, diet, and family history, increase the chance of getting it. Prostate cancer affects African American men and early screening and detection are the key factors that can be used to prevent mortality and reduce morbidity, especially in the Brooklyn area.
Organic treatments for prostate enlargement have already been developed by our expanding society to fight the situation that has been experienced by many aging men. These may consider the form o natural dietary supplements, or you may merely look after your prostate via simple methods that does not require any type of drug.
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in American men after skin cancer. There are many risk factors that increase the disease such as age, being the far most important risk factor, along with race, family history and diet (ASCO, 2015). The prostate is a walnut shaped gland of the male reproductive system that functions to create part of the semen, which is fluid in which sperm swim in when ejaculation occurs. It is located inferior to the bladder, anterior to the rectum, surrounding the urethra. For this reason, when a prostate becomes abnormal, many signs and symptoms manifest themselves when a male urinates. When the prostate becomes enlarged by cancer or any other disease, it blocks the neck of the urethra causing a weak stream,
Prostate Cancer is a disease in which there is an uncontrolled growth of cells that lines the ducts of the prostate gland. The abnormal cells can spread throughout the prostate and nearby organs, such as the seminal vesicles. If not caught early they can spread (metastasized) to other organs of the body through the lymph or blood stream. (“...Treatment...” 13) Prostate Cancer can be like a silent killer. Some may show signs and symptoms of this disease while others may not. Some symptoms may include frequent urination, blood in the urine or semen, delayed or slowed start of urinary stream and dribbling or leakage of urine. Diagnosis testing for Prostate Cancer are digital