
Prostitution Is A Choice?

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Our society is accustomed to believe that prostitution is a choice, even I used to believe that. In the contrary, the reality is that women, including men don’t chose to work in this industry, rather they have been forced or pressured to go against their will. Prior to being sex workers and taken advantage of, prostitutes are being neglected by society and dehumanized by many.
There is not an exact number of how many prostitutes there are, but there is an estimate of 1 million in the United States and 40 to 42 million or even more prostitutes in the entire world. (cite) Nevada in the only state in the U.S.A. that has some legal prostitution in several counties. Besides that, prostitution is illegal everywhere else in the U.S. As of right now the average age of entry into prostitution, in the United States, is between 12 and 14 years old, although it could be younger (Smith, 2009). However, most prostituted individuals are victims of sex trafficking, especially at this age. Traffickers and pimps, which are anyone who receives money or something of value for the sexual exploitation of another person, make promises to persuade children or young individuals to work in the industry of prostitution. According to the HG Organization of Legal Resources, “Every year in the U.S., between 70,000 and 80,000 people are arrested for prostitution, costing taxpayers approximately $200 million. The breakdown of arrests: 70% female prostitutes and madams, 20% male prostitutes and pimps,

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