
Protecting Yourself And Your Art : Social Media And The Fight For Ownership

Good Essays

Michael A. Thomas
Dr. Wendy L. Chrisman
LIBA 1290: Writing & the Arts
18 February 2017
Statement of Intention Draft #1
Protect yourself & your art: Social Media and the fight for ownership In this time and age of fluid copyright in open source platforms social media has created amazing groups of followers, and has increased core exposure for creatives, but with the good comes the adverse: exploitation, degradation and destruction of a creatives’ work and concepts without consultation or concern. “Copyright” is the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same (Oxford English Dictionary). supports the …show more content…

Creatives expanding on other creator’s artwork whether it is written, designed, scored, or painted without attributing the origin of thought or concept. This can be explored by considering a multitude of cases that have plagued the creative world over this past year to include: Patrick Cariou vs Richard Prince in the United States District Courts of copyright infringement this was an extreme case in which a whole gallery of art not only violated the fair use in my opinion but managed to have a manipulation of the copyright, and in this case, but it wasn’t the case as the litigation drove forward. In this case, specifically it worked out for Prince this was not a good thing rather a technicality that helped him to find a loophole. Copyright law states that if a work is “transformative” altering the original with new expression, meaning, or message. ( then it falls under fair use and in the case of Cariou and Prince 25 out of the 30 pieces were found to be in the guidelines of the fair use law and the final 5 were sent forward to a second court. Though this case had a loose adaptation of what was fair use is there are other ones that didn’t fare well for the manipulation of the art and law that protects it. In the case of David Bowie and Queen vs. Vanilla Ice there was a more blatant destruction and capitalization of another artist work by misunderstanding of the music industry’s law of plagiarism and copyright. In 1990 Vanilla Ice

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