
Prunty County: Article Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

The following argument concludes that Prunty County should "undertake the same kind of road improvement project that Butler County completed five years ago" because they attempt to improve highway safety failed. This conclusion may true, but several flaws in the argument make it sounds unconvincing. The unwarranted assumption that argument is based on such as changing Prunty County project will improve highway safety, decrease accident in Butler County just because of their project and employ Butler County's project will improve highway safety in Prunty County, rendering the Argument logically flawed. Firstly, the author state that because of, many drivers are exceeding the speed limit and the number of accidents has not decreased attempt to improve highway safety in Prunty County failed and another project must undertake. Logically one concludes that because of the law did not apply correctly the attempt failed and the petrol must control the drivers in order to respect exceeding the speed limit, instead of undertaking another project. In fact, if the drivers exceeded the speed limit, it would be surprising that the number of accident change. The argument would have further …show more content…

One plane that works in one city this can not be worked in other cities. Every city has special characteristics that base on them the plan must be designed. For instance, in Kabul's street drivers did not attend to traffic light and there must be a traffic officer in order to obey them. so one cannot conclude that in all city in the world must traffic officers present in streets. In order to make author's stand stronger. the argument would have proved that one project that in Butler County was successful would be successful in Prunty County

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