
Psychology of Human Behavior

Decent Essays

Psychology of Human Behavior ROUGH DRAFT
Everybody responds and behaves differently to events based on their own personalities. Some people are morning people, god knows why, but they are. Whereas other people like to stay up later because they get more done at night. That behavior is one that is programed to you from birth. If you don’t like mornings, you cannot make yourself like mornings, it’s not going to happen. But other behaviors are learned, based on our upbringing and environment. Our personalities and attitudes and behaviors are built from everything around us along with the things set in us from the day we’re born. But what is it really that drives us, that motivates us?
Since the beginning of time, people have always been …show more content…

As we grow up and develop in whatever world we live in, we soak in the attitudes of our environment and start to reflect them in our own personal attitudes. We may often act like we agree with what we believe to be our social expectations, because we don’t want to disappoint people who expect us to meet particular requirements. This can cause an imbalance which can make our behavior become illogical because a lot of the times we play the role we feel were cast, even if it conflicts with our personal beliefs. Our behaviors of course are controlled greatly by our emotions. Many parts of emotion are unconscious to us. But even simpler emotional feelings seem to be much more complicated than feelings like hunger and thirst. Emotions are feelings that are personal and subjective, no two people will feel exactly the same was about something. Yes, many people can feel sad about a death or excited about a wedding, and yes those feelings they share are similar, but they are not exactly identical. Little bits of the complex emotions are different between people because of experiences, relationships, attitudes, or beliefs.
Throughout our daily lives, we react thousands of different ways to thousands of different things; the majority of them are subconscious. Like the accidental gestures we make all the time. Like scratching your head to help an itch. That gesture isn’t trying to convey a

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