After watching the video on public education and comparing it to the way education was being presented back then and how it’s being presented now I can pretty much say nothing has really changed in the way education has become available and encouraged to anyone regardless of their social class. From personal experience I have to admit that social class does play a major role on education. Although education is an institution that has become available to anyone regardless of the background I have to acknowledge that not everyone (lower and middle class) has the same opportunity, methods, tools, and means (economically), etc. to be able to have the a similar future then the people that are considered to be a higher class. From my point of view
In the article “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” by Jean Anyon. She argues that there is a serious gap in quality and level of education in the public school system. The gap widens as you progress up from working class to middle class and on through affluent professional to executive elite. Based on her research I would have to agree with her.
According to Jean Anyon, schools in different social classes get different educations and get treated differently at school. How the children are taught will affect how they do in the future. The children who are in school now will be our leaders in the future, so we need to invest in our students. The Working Class students are taught that the process and following the rules is most important, not the answer. If we have government representatives, military leaders, and possibly presidents focusing on following the rules we will not be able to better our country. Children should be taught that they are valued and that their opinions matter, so that later in life they can continue to have confidence in their own ideas. Gaining this confidence starts in school. Anyon studied how the students are treated and taught at schools who are teaching to only one kind of social class. I believe that, most schools are a mix of at least two different social classes. In general, Affluent Professional and Executive Elite schools have students learn from thinking for themselves. On the other hand, Working Class and Middle Class students learn by the teacher thinking for the them. Most schools are a mix of these different teaching styles.
. Some of the difficulties that students in the video talk about include note taking during lecture, reading comprehension, given less time to complete tests and assignments, and the fact that the workloads in post - secondary education is much more complex than high school.
Compared to the older generation of media and education to the contemporary modern day uses of media and education, these institutions are much differently based on the time period. My perspective of this issue is going to be much different than someone who is much older than me. The occurrence of dramatic events changes their perspective, this in other words is know as experiences. Our experiences make us who we are. Stereotype is a common term I use to describe a lot of the social issues that I continue to see throughout my lifetime. We all judge a book by it’s cover and the experiment by Jane Elliot called A Class Divided explains how humans in the previous age before the 2000s understand society. This experiment determines that humans don’t
In this video, there were some things that I discovered that surprised me such as how Modern History has been shaped by conquerors who developed some advantages like guns, germs, and steel and how the differences in their environment conducted them to achieve their success. In addition, powerful societies have in common large populations, developmental technology, and well-organized workforce. Furthermore, Agriculture prompted some places better because the habitants were hunter-gathers that at some point their skills were not enough to feed a big population, as a result they started to work the land and produced their own food. They became farmers that began to control nature. For instance, Eurasia because of the geography and existence of plants and animals that can be conveniently domesticated presented a great advantage in agriculture and domesticating.
I chose this video because I want to become a social worker and social workers can encounter many different obstacles with the work that they do. In addition to that each obstacle faced represents a different kind of challenge. In the video he explains how the power structures and disparities affect people’s lives. He also brought up how the Jim Crow laws and the unfair and unequal treatment of African Americans racist laws created all sort of barriers between blacks and whites. This relates to the topic of this class because it shows how our social environment, social structures and social change plays a huge role on how people act and live. In the video he states how interpersonal relations were shaped within the black community and the whites
In the first video “Mr. Keating's Unorthodox teaching”, the teacher uses a variety of processes and content, in very unconventional ways, to maintain the student’s attention by moving from one activity to the next; while, maintaining focus on the same lesson (359). This was an active learning or hands-on classroom because of the group activities requiring participation. This style of teaching brought the students into the center of the lessons and gave them a different understanding by observing the lesson from a different perspective by using differentiated instruction (368). This brought the whole class as a group together under instruction by the teacher doing whatever it took to bring the class to an understanding of the lesson.
Being well communicator bring me a positive relationship between the children and co-workers too. From the preschooler video, the RECE is asking questions about their favourite foods and asking compare the fruits and veggies. From the infants and toddlers video, the RECE asking a child what do you doing Lilly? Jack and Jill went up the hill. Furthermore, another RECE calling the child when she look an “Elmo” book” she said hi Elmo “Asking open and end” question will help their cognitive development. Effective communication will builds a positive and strong relationship between the RECE and the children.
Social class also make a difference in educational institutions. Since the majority of the students in my high school were kids of middle or working class parents, there were not many social class differences in the school that I attended. But I did see lower class kids somewhat taking advantage of the upper class kids like going over the upper class kid 's house to hang out because they had all the new game systems or a pool. Sometimes if you don 't have money, it doesn 't even matter whether even if you are highly educated. Although it didn 't matter much in the school that I attended for high school, the working-class students in the law schools in the Granfield reading had issues due to their social class.
Video 0142-Subject: Generalist demonstrates a high level of student engagement and teacher encouragement. In this video the students are working in teams of two on a science lesson that involves measuring the amount of water that goes through sand and clay. You can tell that the students are enjoying this project. The class room has low levels of conversation going on, students are on task and there are not any disruptive behaviors being displayed. Despite getting to work with water, sand and clay the students are using their tools appropriately. Not only can you tell they are actively engaged by their attitudes, but also in the answers that are given to the teachers questions. The teacher is asking questions that require that student to really
Travelling on foot for hundreds of miles each day in order to pay for food and shelter for her daughter, she wishes she could do more. Now, her daughter has the chance to be the first in her family with a proper education. Living in a third world country, the majority of people struggle with poor health care, often leading to a high mortality rate, low economic development, high levels of poverty, and heavy dependence on industrialized nations for foods and other goods (Third World). Women in particular suffer - unable to attain the good education they deserve in order to create a better life for themselves. In places like Cambodia and Afghanistan, the culture is such that young girls are married off by their parents at a very young age
The American class system, which is comprised of: the lower class, middle class, and upper class is divided up by power and the ability to control situations around us. With slavery abolished and racism on the decline, there still remains a link between the predominate race in the upper class and lower class of America. The upper class is comprised of mostly privileged white Americans and the lower class is comprised of predominantly minority’s. The hierarchy of this wealth distribution must break down in order to reassemble in a fashion that benefits all members of all classes in this country. One key factor that is often attributed to success is education; therefore, educating all members of society to a similar baseline could right the offset that the lower class and upper privileged class currently have.
The current socio-economic climate of the United States and the world at large can best be characterized as one in which access to both opportunity and wealth are increasingly scarce to those living in poverty. While there are a number of contributing factors that create this mass inequality, the scope of this argument will focus on education. The American schooling system is lagging behind globally and the current programs in place are ineffective to the point of being detrimental. This paper asserts that specific changes to the public education system will produce positive outcomes not only in the global ranking but will be additionally beneficial in bridging the opportunity gap and countering the growing culture of classism.
It has been proven again and again that class has a huge impact on children’s success in school and education. The inequalities in our education system start as early as birth and continue through high school and even college. Typically, articles related to class and education fall under two distinct categories. One type says that better education will fix poverty and the other states that in order to fix education we need to fix poverty. The truth of the matter is that one will not fix the other, but rather they need to work together to be effective. In order to promote a democratic society in our public schools, there needs to be major improvements made in both of these categories.
Social class has been always being in our society since its establishment. Back then, white, landowning men had the highest status amongst society with women and other races being lower in the societal ladder Times have changed since then, but social class is still a major factor to people’s success. Social class is defined as a label that categorizes individuals based on their economic status, wealth, and power. Social class does not matter, but should not be ignored It’s prominent in our society so I think as young adults we need to be aware of it. If we “teach them how to deal with it in a positive manner and how to prevent it, then little by little we can see less of the discrimination. Our differences shouldn’t create conflict between people and cause problems” (Google Doc). Our differences should come together and be celebrated. It should be brought to our attention that they may be more disadvantaged than other people and that all their home lives are unique and different from each other. While keeping this concept in mind, teachers and faculty members should not let social class control their action towards the students and be prejudiced. Teachers should not see social class as a problem or an excuse as to why the student is not learning. Individuals want to learn and can learn; social class should not be the explanation as to why the teacher will not help the student reach their goals. When students grow intellectually and become educated, they will acquire more