
Public Schools Vs. Public School System Essay

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Education in the United States has been constantly changing with modern views evolving over our nation’s historical timeline. These changes have always leaned towards making education more accessible and inherently equal for everyone. Starting in the mid 1600’s educational facilities were only available to certain social classes with sons who showed promise of entering a leadership role with the church, state, or courts (Sass, 2016). Gender separated facilities were the norm and the idea of opening a facility to accommodate both genders was absurd. Currently, public education is predominantly a coeducational environment with only 500 public schools nationwide providing gender separate classes (Eliot, 2013, p. 364). In the last few decades, however, the idea of having gender separate classes within a coeducational public school system has become quite the controversy. Argumentative statements are being made from both sides with regard to brain development, stereotyping, learning preferences, and equal opportunity. Looking into our nation’s history, we can see the journey taken in order to create the integrated coeducational public school systems we have now. The question presented to our current public school system is whether or not reverting back to gender separated education is in fact beneficial to the students. One of the leading arguments for gender separate classrooms is the brain development difference between girls and boys. Supporters of gender separate

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