
Putney Mountain: A Narrative Fiction

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Knowing she wouldn’t answer still he said, “Do you remember me telling you a local contractor built several tract homes east of our house, near Sandy Gap? Well, there are only a few families left the others sold their homes. Something about the screams and lights on Putney Mountain but the people in town didn’t believe them, said it was buyer’s remorse. I never bothered getting acquainted with any of them and I don’t know. Now I’m alone except for Claude, and he’s getting old, I might not have him too much longer. Guess I can’t blame anyone for my shortage of friends.” "It’s difficult, adjusting to life without you," he admitted and went to his truck. When he arrived home and opened the gate, the dog met him and stared as if to ask. “Are …show more content…

If you do, you’ll be sorry.” “You wait a minute. Is he about fifteen, blonde a sharp looking kid?” Louise snapped, “My son is only thirteen." “I’ve seen him.” “You stay away from him.” Looking at her watch, “Now can we talk? We only have minutes before the meeting. We should settle this without them making a decision about your house,” Louise said and checked her lipstick. “How will you solve our problem? Of course, you’re aware that I’m not going to move or allow a group of women to repair my house. Also, you should realize they are not going to demolish it. Now, there’s nothing more to discuss,” he boasted. “Guess, you haven’t noticed it. We could do the repairs without you worrying about the city wanting to demolish it,” she said, dreading to go to the hearing with this moron. “Mr. Cassidy, let us help you. We won’t do the work we’ll pay to have it done.” “Why are you being so formal? You can call me, Ernest. I won’t have a bunch of women messing around my house.” “Why are you being so obnoxious? I can call you whatever I wish. Are you sure you don’t want to settle this,” Louise said as she locked her car and walked away. “I will do everything I can do to see they demolish it. Besides, if the forms aren’t correctly, they’ll return

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