
Quot Your Website

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Let’s talk about the elephant in our community slack channel. Sometimes busy entrepreneurs, small business owners, and reticent marketing managers aren’t honest with themselves about when it’s time to quit their website. To be fair, sometimes they just get the message a bit too late. To be even more fair, websites represent substantial cost, and there can be a seemingly pragmatic drive to keep an existing website live, as if its longevity somehow squeezes out every last ounce of value from every dollar spent on its creation.

That’s cool and all, until it ruins your search engine rankings, turns potential customers away from your business, and starts to look like the poor creation of someone in a basement with a …show more content…

Your website might be the only employee to work harder than you. It sells your brand 24/7.

Websites are about information that works to sell your brand. When websites have quality, impactful (read: useful) information, they signal to both consumers and search engines that the brand behind the site has value. Signaling value is important as search engines read that value as being relevant to search queries, and thus rank your information higher. Your website is fundamental to shaping your brand narrative.

Use your website to craft the narrative you wish to exist around your brand. Share your authentic story, go behind the scenes, and feature content that helps people understand your value. Once the site is up, adding content is easy. Why not take up space and share all that you can about your brand?

Those reasons alone should be enough for any brand to prioritize website management in their marketing budget, but just in case they aren’t enough, here’s a few reasons why you don’t want to let your website age past its prime.

Inactive websites signal one thing to Google: You’ve closed up shop.

As noted above: an inactive website, which is usually paired with an inactive web presence, tells search engines such as Google one thing: you are no longer in operation. This, in turn, causes search engines to lower your ranking on search engine results pages, pushing you further and further away from the eyes of your potential customers.

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