
Race For Theory

Decent Essays

In “The Race for Theory”, Barbara Christian a black, woman author examines the shortcomings of past literary theories, those developed under a phallocentric regime, and attempts to structure a new pratical theory . The race for theory, in Christian’s words, is “a takeover in the literary world by Western philosophers from the old literary elite, the neutral humanists” (Christian 1859). Because of this race for theory, many black, female, and/or third world writers speak in a different language that is “opposed to [their] needs and orientation” in order to obtain academic hegemony (Christian 1860). However, in this case, hegemony might be far-fetched since the voices of “people of color, feminists, radical critics, creative writers” might not even be heard in the white-male dominated academic world (Christian 1860). The major-minor binary epitomizes this problem of a white-male dominated academic world. In this …show more content…

Theory is prescriptive because it forces the reader to read in a certain manner, and depreciates literary text that do not follow the theory’s canon (Christian 1862-1863). Theory also discriminates people who do not understand the complex writing “for which composition teachers would give a freshman a resounding F” (Christian 1862). This point resonates with me the most because certain theoretical readings (week 2 readings), in my opinion, are unnecessarily complex and obscure, which in turn delay and hinder the overall comprehension of the theory. The fact that theories try to simplify the intricate world into a monolithic system also seems to bother Christian (Christian 1863). Although literary criticism (theory), in Christian’s words, can be problematic, it “ensure[s] that [authors’] tradition has continuity and survives” (Christian 1865). In other words, literary criticism, a response to the author’s writing, keeps the author alive by preserving the author’s

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