
Racial And Ethnic Identity : Racial Prejudice, Racism, And The Harsh Human Nature

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Since the beginning of time, people have always judged other people. That is the case today and it will be in the future. It will never change. Race, in a way, reinforces people’s identity. Most have manifested race as their own and as a unified group. This does not need to be a bad thing. If people can acknowledge their race as an opportunity to learn, think, and grow, they will realize and understand that having a post-racial word would be, in fact, a provocation to their cultural knowledge. The world will never reach a post-racial society because of culture, religion, and the harsh human nature. The world will never be post-racial because of culture. Racial and ethnic identity is embedded in our culture. If somehow culture does not become important anymore, then maybe a post-racial is possible. But culture will always be an important factor in society. Racial practice penetrates through most people’s history and is shown through current political dynamics and economic systems. Racial understanding is what brings people and communities together, untangles cultural identities, and unites people that live in the same or even different countries around the world. In addition, people that have the same culture tend to stay together as a group. Then people that have a different culture will start to stereotype those people based on their culture. In America, African-Americans have created their culture out of resistance and unity in the face of rejection and

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