
Racial Discrimination In Disney Movies Essay

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As a young girl, I remember watching Disney films and falling in love with the Disney princesses. Every Halloween I would dress up as Princess Belle and my cousin would dress up as Cinderella. Today, many people are familiar with Disney films and the Disney princesses. The first original Disney princess was Snow White, which was released eighty years ago in 1937. Since then Disney has created fourteen Disney Princesses. These Disney princesses all had common facial features. They had a tiny waist, defined cheekbones, a thin nose, and light skin. For most of the Disney princesses, except for a few, they were characterized as the damsel in destress who needed saving from Prince Charming. The last princess brought to the big screen in November …show more content…

These films have included certain features that can be seen as covert racism, a form of racial discrimination that is disguised and subtle, rather than public or obvious. In their film Aladdin, released in 1992 introduced the sixth Disney princess Jasmine, Disney include a song as the opening credits that created great controversy. The original song lyrics were, “Oh, I come from a land, from a faraway place where the caravan camels roam. Where they cut off your ear if they don’t like your face. It’s barbaric, but hey, it’s home.” After receiving negative criticism Disney agreed to change the lyrics of the song after obtaining approval from the song producers. However, the Arabic community was not fully thrilled about the song after the change. It was "nowhere near adequate, considering the racism depicted in 'Aladdin,' " said Don Bustany, the president of the Los Angeles chapter of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (Fox). In the film, Disney attempts to recreate Arabic culture by including what they believe as producers will represent the culture. “When they show a market where the signs are meant to be in Arabic but are written in a form of gibberish, it implies there really isn't a culture in existence that uses that language" (Shweffi). For their latest film Moana, the producers of the movie attempted to fully capture and represent Polynesian culture to the best of their

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