
Raising Cain Language Analysis

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Emotional Literacy Alex continues to upset Sherrie, but he doesn't understand her emotions so he doesn't even know he's upsetting her. At times Alex doesn't understand his own emotions. This is called emotional literacy when someone doesn't understand how they feel and also unaware of how others feel. Raising Cain tells that many people complain that boys are to aggressive and "seem not to care".(pdf) This is because boys are trained not to express their feelings and some are raised not which makes them become emotional illiterate. Boys and girls are completely different and emotional literacy shows that girls will express their feelings in some shape or form but boys won’t even give a facial expression or any emotion to show how they feel. Many parents instill into boys that they must be tough, heartless and trust no one. Raising Cain states that boys cry more as babies but as boys get older they express less emotion. (pdf) Emotional Literacy is a powerful tool of communication especially in relationships. This tool enable opposite sex to understand one another’s emotion. Which can help diffuse a lot of situations, and also help a relationship grow. If a relationship is not emotionally literate than one may find themselves feeling as if the …show more content…

Their facial expressions, tone of voice, body language and even appetite. One day I posted a picture on Facebook which caption read “very pretty” because I asked my guy prior to posting it to compare me to a famous person. Men are very illiterate so he says I am very pretty compared to a famous person which I was expecting him to say your smoking hot! They can’t compare. I mean come on who wants to hear that compared another woman you’re just very pretty in your partners eyes? So I wasn’t really mad but I posted a really hot picture of me saying “really pretty “and he liked the

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