
Rape And Sexual Assault And Rape

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Rape and sexual assault have been a growing epidemic not only in The United States, but all around the world as well. There are many stories based on these issues that also deal with something called date rape drugs. Rape, sexual assault, and date rape drugs are all very closely related and can all occur in the same situation. Date rape drugs can be used to lead to a sexual assault against someone and then possibly rape. These topics are all very serious because “There is an average of 207,754 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year.” (“Sexual Assault Prevention”)
Sexual assault and rape are similar but not entirely the same. Sexual assault is any sexual activity, ranging from visual to verbal, that someone engages in that they did not give consent to. (Lukima) Rape is considered to be sexual assault and is the actual act of sexual penetration that the individual being raped did not agree to. (Berger) Rape is very prominent and stories are always present in the media discussing it including things like college parties that lead to rape because alcohol and drugs were involved. Rape and sexual assault are so common that “Current trends project that 1 in 3 American women will be sexually assaulted at some point during their life.” (Berger) More specifically, date rape is when a drug is used to assist the rape or assault and it can be with a person the victim does or does not know. (Weiss) A topic as serious as this has to have preventative

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